



Nohemí Fernández-Mojica1 Degree in Psychology from the Universidad Veracruzana, Master in Educational Planning and Development. PhD in education by the Free School of Political Science and Public Administration of the East
María-Esther Barradas-Alarcón1

1Veracruz University. Mexico.

For Papalia, Feldman and Martorell human development occurs in eight stages. What have college students experienced? The purpose is to know the events that have lived. The methodological orientation: is quanlitative and qualitative case study. Technique: autobiography. The population was 21 students of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University Veracruzana Conclusions: recognize that what has been lived has served as learning, adversities have made them strong, are able to face the challenges of life, have learned to value people, They have: the desire to form a family, the conviction that they are going to achieve the goal in their life, feel happy to study and discovered that serving others fills them with happiness.

KEY WORDS: Early adulthood; college student; autobiography; case study.

Para Papalia, Feldman y Martorell el desarrollo humano se da en ocho etapas. ¿Qué han vivido los estudiantes universitarios? El objetivo conocer los eventos que han vivido. La orientación metodológica es cuanlitativa y Estudio de caso cualitativo. Técnica: autobiografía. La población fue 21 estudiantes de la Facultad de Pedagogía de la Universidad Veracruzana que reconocen que lo vivido les ha servido de aprendizaje, las adversidades los han hecho fuertes, son capaces de enfrentar los retos de la vida, han aprendido a valorar a las personas, tienen: el deseo de formar una familia, la convicción que van a lograr la meta en su vida, se sienten contentos de estudiar y descubrieron que servir a los demás los llena de felicidad.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Adultez temprana; estudiante universitario; autobiografía; estudio de caso.

Introdução. Para Papalia, Feldman e Martorell o desenvolvimento humano acontece em 8 etapas. Que viveram os estudantes universitários? O objetivo conhecer os eventos que viveram. A orientação metodológica é qualitativa. Técnica: autobiográfica. A população foi de 21 estudantes da Faculdade Veracruziana. Conclusões: reconhecem que o vivido serviu de aprendizagem, as adversidades os fizeram mais fortes, são capazes de enfrentar os retos da vida, aprenderam a valorizar as pessoas, tem: o desejo de formar uma família, a convicção que conseguiram atingir suas metas de vida, sentem felizes de estudar e descobriram que servir aos demais aporta muita felicidade.

PALAVRAS CHAVE: Amadurecer cedo; estudante universitário; autobiografía; estudo do caso.

Nohemí Fernández Mojica, University Veracruzana. México.
María Esther Barradas Alarcón: University Veracruzana. México.

Received: 06/06/2018
Accepted: 18/07/2018

How to cite this article:
Fernández Mojica, N., and Barradas Alarcón, M. E. (2018). Between laughter and tears you learn to live [Entre risas y llanto se aprende a vivir]. Vivat Academia. Revista de Comunicación, 145, 61-72. doi: http://doi.org/10.15178/va.2018.145.61-72 Recovered from http://www.vivatacademia.net/index.php/vivat/article/view/1090


By mutual agreement, the authors Papalia, Feldman and Martorell (2012) consider that human development occurs through eight stages. For the purposes of this document, only some characteristics of the early adult stage (20 to 40 years) are disclosed, since this is the stage that university students, research agents in this case, live. In relation to cognitive development, “thought and moral judgments acquire greater complexity. Educational and labor choices are carried out, sometimes after a period of exploration”. With regard to psychosocial development, “personality traits and styles are stabilized, although the stages and events of life generate personality changes. Intimate relationships and personal lifestyles are established, but they are not always lasting. Almost everyone gets married and many have children” (p. 9).
This article presents a qualitative case study, in which the categories detected through the autobiographies of 21 university students of the Faculty of Pedagogy-Veracruz of Veracruz University are described. The approach that gave reason for this piece of research was: What have university students lived? The categories detected are described below. General Law of Education, which regulates the education provided by the State (Federation, federative entities and municipalities), its decentralized agencies and individuals with authorization or with recognition of official validity of studies.


Attention! Ready? ...Out! Life outside the mother’s womb starts with a cry, why a cry? Who would prefer to leave a space as comfortable as Mom’s womb to face a world of obstacles and continue living? That is life, the deadline for being in Mom’s womb is over and ... evicting! What is waiting for that newborn? What awaits him is a product of the context of the time he has to live. Stability or instability: cultural, political, social, economic. What have some young university students experienced?
The psalmist David wrote about his birth: “From the entrails of my mother you were the one who took me out...” (Valera, 1960, p. 739) A university student described her birth: “I was greeted by my mother with a kiss of love, although I was full of blood and particles of the placenta, because the doctors did not clean me before introducing me to her. When my father heard the words “It’s a girl!” came out of the doctor’s mouth, he could not stop the tears of happiness from slipping and immediately ran to meet me. The whole family was excited, happy to meet me! and know that I had already reached the healthy world”. (DLOQ). AKLS wrote his birth as: “...the day of my birth... it was the most beautiful joy my parents could experience! Dad never left my mom alone, because even when my mom gave birth, and my dad could not stay in the hospital, since only women could stay, he did not care and it was something very funny because, while the nurse was distracted, my dad managed to hide and stay to take care of my mom, and that was very good, because while my mom got up to go to bathe, she fainted-everything was fine, this is normal in newly relieved women and it is that they are very weak after labor-, my dad always wanted a girl and his desire to have a girl was fulfilled, “ART wrote in his autobiography: I was born very fast, ... it was natural birth. Something very funny is that when the doctor was going to apply anesthesia, my mother told him that I was going to be born, the doctor told her to expect, that was not possible because I already wanted to be born, finishing applying the anesthesia I was born, that’s why my being born was quick. The truth is nobody came to visit me when I was born, but I’m not interested, my family went to see me when my mother came home”.
Regarding the birth of a baby, whether well received or not, Mézerville (2004, p. 35) wrote that:

...every person on earth is a unique and unrepeatable being, endowed with physical, psychological and spiritual potentials that are truly invaluable, even when before their own eyes or before others, they sometimes seem insignificant and despicable”.

A few years after birth... On the way to school, rushing to get... SHB described the first day of classes at kindergarten as a pleasant event “... I was so eager taking my mother’s hand! ...and suddenly, when I reached the gate, I changed my mind, I did not want to go into the living room, the thought of my mother leaving me there terrified me. The fact is that I made my tantrum, the teacher had already done everything to make me stay but nothing and nobody managed to convince me until I heard that my mother told me: “It’s okay! Let’s go!” That was the best for me, I thought that nothing would happen, that I would be happy back home, but sad was my case when I saw that my mother grabbed a wand from a tree that had been cut, from there it started my suffering, and when I got home it was not for less after the tantrum and the embarrassment that I made her go through, she thrashed me so strongly that I will never forget, and that was enough for the next day everything being so different by the time to enter the room”. To AMM the pleasant event was in company with her family, she wrote the following: “At the end of our classes, our mother would take us back home, then we would eat and every afternoon we would go to the country. I remember perfectly that my father always told us that we were all very hardworking and that, from the time we were very small, he would teach us to work so that tomorrow we would not be useless people and some more of the bunch. When we arrived at the countryside, the truth was that all my brothers would make houses with grass and my dad would later use the grass we rooted up to feed the goats, sheep, pigs and donkeys that we had at home. All my childhood was very beautiful and more because my parents were always aware of us, of our health, studies and training”. According to the story of AMM, it is evidence of what was written by Casares and Siliceo (2005, p. 32) with respect to the fact that “the human being has a deep need for belonging; to live in their primary group in which they feel permanence, security, identification, affection, appreciation and refuge”. “There is brotherhood, blood ties, loyalty”. “It facilitates the loving, emotional exchange on a daily basis and permanent. In this environment, there is rest and play”.


In life, not everything is happiness, what is written by the Preacher is fulfilled: “Everything has its time ...time to cry, and time to laugh” (Valera, 1960, p. 844).
What adverse events have the university students experienced? In what events have they cried? Due to the adversities experienced by AMM, she could write “Life has never been easy, we can all live different things, but there is always something that destroys dreams, illusions, emotions and feelings. These situations are only tests that the environment itself causes, this causes that, in life, not everything is rosy, as we go through difficult stages that make us think that happiness does not exist...” Why did AMM write this? I continue the story of a return home: “...when we entered to unload the cart we saw that the armchairs, wardrobes, mattresses, beds, chairs and frets were burning behind a car body. We all got scared and went home but it was totally empty, in Mom’s room there was only one bed without a mattress and a piece of furniture with all the clothes on show. My mom hugged us and started crying. Minutes later my dad came in and told us that everything was fine but his eyes were irritated and he said he would go for a chicken to eat. It took us three years to recover from that situation. But, despite the bad times, my parents were always looking out for us their children and we were happy”. ART wrote the following as adversity events: “The house I grew up in was a very simple home, humble, it had many details such as lack of floor, windows, doors, plaster, light and other details. I remember that, at night, as we did not have any light, when I walked by the house, my father used to call me “burnt little trunk”, because I was small and, in the dark, I looked that way. I must mention that my family struggled to get ahead, both my mom and my dad. He always looked for a way to get work to bring the necessary things home, my mom used to cut lemon and they kept the profits to buy what the house lacked. That’s how they managed to finish the house. Therefore my brother and I suffered in the sense that we did not have enough clothes, shoes, sometimes we did not have anything to eat, “The reflection he wrote after writing his autobiography was “...that situation did not make me a sad or frustrated person, on the contrary, it taught me to value things, because my parents taught me to earn them with effort and work, they have told me that, when someone sweats blood to get things, he is the one who most values ??them and that’s the way it should be like”. “...As they say that God gives battles to his best warriors and here I am, struggling day by day to learn, to improve myself, to love and to be very strong”.
The adversity of these university students confirms what Covey (2011, pp. 56-54) wrote: “Life sometimes gives us bad cards to play, and it is up to us to control how we respond. Every time we have a failure, it is an opportunity to turn it into a triumph...” In other paragraphs, he wrote: “...we cannot control everything that happens to us. But there are things that we can control: how we react to what happens to us. And this is the important thing! That’s why we need to stop worrying about things we cannot control, and start thinking about those we can”. “What exactly are difficult times? They are the crucial tests, the moments that define us in life, and the way in which we handle them can literally change us forever. They come in two sizes, small and large” (p. 122).
Parents and children of these cases turned adversity into triumph: the demonstration of the love of parents and the appreciation of young people with respect to what they possess.


“Everything has its time …time to destroy, and time to build..., (Valera, 1960, p. 844)”. In relation to building and destroying, in the thinking of Covey (2011, p. 156), life is “like a great obstacle track. Each person has his own track, separated from the others by high walls. Your track is complete with obstacles designed for you, specifically for your personal growth”.
What obstacles did the university students find on their track? ALMM reflected the following after writing his autobiography: “All the bad decisions that I do not have to regret ...why do I say it? Well, because at the time I enjoyed them, the only thing I do regret is that I have caused my parents so much trouble but, by now, they understand that, thanks to it, I am what I am now, if you do not risk you do not grow or do not mature. I do not know if it is God, life or destiny that puts the evidence but, if so, we must thank, because that has allowed you to become stronger, more capable, more focused, you learn to value and y become more empathetic”. ACV, wrote about it: “But in life not everything that happens to us is good or pleasant to us and, although it is a law, the fact that we have to go through sad times to learn life lessons and gain experience, ...when situations that truly mark your life happen to you, although you overcome them you never manage to forget them and I think we only keep them filed in a place where it is not very pleasant to return ...we learn through the mistakes they (brothers) make and, like our parents, the mistakes they have with them, they try, or at least in my case, they tried not to make them with me”. AVFA emphasized in her autobiography that when she got angry. “I reproach life for not having allowed me to play with toys, but then I regret and I thank it for giving me the best toys I could have had at ten years of age, since I learned to mature and to see life differently...” From what was written she made the following reflection “... everything I have had to go through to be where I am now and so maybe you can understand a little more the reason for my way of being as a student, person and friend”. ART wrote: “...only God knows why so many things had to happen to me, and I thank him because I have noticed his presence in every moment of my life, he has given me the strength to continue, he has helped me to reason to make decisions and not make so many mistakes in my life. As they say that God gives battles to his best warriors and here I am, struggling every day to learn, to improve myself, to love and be very strong”. In the case of BLV, she wrote “...I have gone through many difficult things, first in socialization issues both at school and in my community, and then with family problems. Performing this type of exercise is very good, I felt happy at the end with everything I have done in my life and I know that even better things will come to me”. LFVL learned a lesson through this experience. “...the truth, I do not resent that lady (father’s partner), on the contrary, today I thank her because that scolding, those blows she gave me, also helped me because they ...they made me mature, too, because she scolded me not for anything, but because I also did not do something right: a job a task, for something I did even good but her way of educating was that, hitting and... very traditional”. KKOM behaved as follows: “...there are moments in life that seem very difficult at the moment they arise, but later they become anecdotes and reflections. In life, we must value every moment we spend happy, sad, anxious, angry, etc.; each one is life lessons and we are growing as a person”. JALP describes the teaching that his life has given him: “...every stage of my life has been characterized by always getting ahead of any school, family and emotional problem. The situations were hard but nothing that I could not overcome, in my opinion, obstacles that all of us have and that help us to show how strong we are”. AKLS: “...I also had bad experiences, I cannot complain, life will always be full of good and bad things, bad things will always help us to be better and not make the same mistakes again”. MYVA: “...I realized that we are always in constant learning, whether we are conscious or not... that each and every experience we have had in our lives, however small, has relevance ...we have to learn from the good and bad times we have to go through, to always set goals and dreams and strive to achieve them as soon as possible ...some anecdotes but others make me so sad to cry, but it’s part of living and I’ve had a lesson from each of them”. SHB: “By bringing memories to the present, I could feel exactly the same as when I lived them, joys, emotions, satisfaction, pride, but also those memories that were not so pleasant were present stirring my feelings and emotions and this is where I realize that all that God allowed me to live was for a purpose today I can say with certainty that, thanks to that, I am what I am”. “...I realized that my life has been full of many things that give me a unique value, that define my identity and personality...” “Everything happens to us for a purpose and I consider that they are not bad experiences but life lessons that, if you manage to overcome them, they make you a better person. Well, they have made me mature (yawn), mature in the sense of... (pensive) it is that I do not know how to express it, they have made me a better person in my way of being, emotions, feelings for others, in principle I am very affectionate in my emotions, but they have made me strong”. SFL: “...I have received many blessings behind all the bad things, maybe I have not gone through situations in which I could not get up but, despite that, sometimes I felt that way. When I felt myself falling over the cliff, God was always there to get me up or even not to let me fall, he was my only breath even though I could not realize that. AKL: “...I also had bad experiences, I cannot complain, life will always be full of good and bad things, bad things will always help us to be better and not make the same mistakes...” PDC: “I think that if there were not for all the good and bad experiences I went through during my 21 years, I would not be the person that I am now and that I like to be. I feel that I still have a long way to go along the way, but I am sure they have taught me well and that I will overcome any obstacle that I may find, and if I cannot, I know who I can count on to help me solve it”. MMV: “I believe that everything helps me to grow as a person and see the hand of God taking care of me and guiding me in all my steps. Falls, we all have, but the important thing is not to stay on the ground but to have the strength and the will to get up, clean and move forward in the day to day that the Creator offers you”. RBG: “at the end of writing my autobiography, I can reflect that: take a look at the path of my life and thus remember why I am here, and that, despite the obstacles that may appear in my path, I can be more than that since they are only tests, tests through which everyone has to pass and they stand out despite that, and all this is thanks to the positive thinking we develop before the moments of weakness that we have”. CIAL: “...much of life... allowed me to reflect on what I have achieved in my life and realize the goals that I have not yet reached, and from there I could formulate the purpose of working on them with dedication and optimism, responsibility and perseverance to reach them”.
The teaching that university students have lived allows us to understand what Viktor Frankl wrote (cit. In Mézerville, 2004, p. 11) in relation to the fact that: “the will to sense, understood as the primordial motivating force in the life of the human being, allows us to define the mature person as one who, at a given moment in his life, develops a healthy sense of identity, a warm sense of belonging and fraternity with his fellowmen, and a solid sense of mission as the ultimate meaning of his existence”.
In the view of Brande (cit. In Mézerville, 2004, p. 28), the teaching of these university students reports that they have “high self-esteem” because they feel confident, fit for life, that is, capable and valuable.


In Rogers (2000, p. 175), we obtained this paragraph that allows us to interpret the events that university students experienced in order to achieve strength, he wrote that: “...the process of full life is not for cowards, since to become one’s own potential means growing, and involves the courage to be and immerse yourself fully in the torrent of life. Despite this, it is profound to see that, when the human being enjoys inner freedom, he chooses this process of becoming as the most satisfying life”.
In the course of their lives, university students faced adversity and knew how to get ahead, they realized that they are strong, that they have strength, even when it hurt them they recognize that it was for the best. Let us read some stories as evidence of it.
CIAL: “...I believe that, if life and God have saved me from many bad things and given me many more opportunities to do things, they will also help me to follow my path and fulfill what I set out to do, as I realize that my mentality has also changed if compared to the one I had in previous years and that is also a weapon to use it to my personal benefit”.
KTZG: “I can certainly say that God came at the right time to completely renew my life, after so many problems because of the separation of my parents, lack, depression, much crying and negative circumstances, which at the moment are not understood and less when you are a little girl, but for that I thank God today because, if nothing of this had happened around me, I would not be who I have become today”. “... I will continue with my dreams and living gratefully every day for all good and bad things, I will continue learning and go forward with my eyes up. I believe that each good or bad experience is just another step towards the end and that, according to the actions that we generate, that end will be good or bad, to continue and not to faint, those are my convictions. To finish, I will allow myself to quote a biblical text that encourages me: ‘Look, I command you to be strong and courageous, do not fear or be discouraged because Jehovah your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1: 9) ‘Let us not lower our guard, success is before us’.
LFVL: “...there have been very difficult, but also very exciting moments, I admit that I have had to face all these situations sometimes or most of the time alone...” “I have taken God as my Father and as that mother who I lacked, a Being of love that puts valuable people into our lives and puts us in situations that we know we can face and overcome. Thanks to Him I have been able to realize that (his name) is where he has to be and does what he should do in search of an objective because, to him, life is not so easy, it involves a lot of sacrifice, work and study”. “...A phrase that my grandmother taught me and that I always keep in mind ‘We never have to make ourselves comfortable, we must never stop fighting, and the fight ends when life is over’. I will never forget and I have never told anyone but I dare to write it in my life story, I’m not sure if I dreamed or lived it, but what I do remember is that I was in a room which is impossible for me to explain. In detail, what I remember is that it was very bright and the atmosphere breathed a peace I had never felt, there was smoke like incense, a very pleasant aroma and in the distance I saw three men in white robes, both of them on the corners were with their knee bent and with a censer, the man in the middle was on his back, when turning around, an impressive light flashed, in my dream I remember that I fell prostrate, as if the light had thrown me, a light that I cannot explain or write in detail, because I had never seen anything like it in my life. I did not dare to look up and see the face of that man, what I do remember is that I saw his feet, and he had a sort of wound on each foot, until that moment I could recognize who he was, He bent down, I did not look up, I did not feel worthy, the only thing I did was raise my hands, I felt that He touched them and said: “Do not be afraid, I have not abandoned you, I walk with you. Now get up”.
SHB: “By bringing memories to the present I could feel exactly the same as when I experienced them, joys, emotions, satisfaction, pride, but also those memories that were not so pleasant, they were present stirring my feelings and emotions and this is where I realize that all that God allowed me to live was for a purpose, today I can say with certainty that thanks to that I am what I am”.
ACV: “...I am a very cheerful and friendly girl, respectful, hardworking, fun, a good friend, intelligent and sincere. I also recognize that I have many shortcomings such as sometimes becoming very carefree and not taking things seriously, I love having fun and therefore I also sometimes overindulge which have led me to have problems at home, at school and even with myself. Currently, many things have changed for me regarding what I want to do with my life and the decisions I will have to make in order to achieve my long-term goals, that is why I have learned to take things more seriously and maturely.”
SFL: “...I like how I am and more because I know that this is how God made me, and that for some reason, it was that way he did with all my faults and the truth is that everything I went through, I do not only want to stay with everything that I went through, but to share it, ...to be able to try to help some adolescents and young people who have gone through the same situations as I ...I would really like to do something and that they can open their eyes ...be able to help them, to make them see that there really is a way out, ...that is why I want to dedicate myself to guidance because that is where I believe that God is leading me ...to the guidance of young people”.
What is described by university students is pieces of evidence that they believe were created by God (Psalm 71: 6), he is their refuge, and their strength (Psalm 46: 1), he frees them (Psalm 91: 3) and guide them (Psalm 48:14).


According to the percentages of the National Survey of values in Youth (Federal Government, 2012), “family, work, couple, money and school are very important for young people in their life...”
These are some of the values reported by university students through their autobiographies:

CIAL: “...I only think about finishing the race, mostly because I already want my mother to stop working since she already feels tired and I think it is time and my duty to take care of her and that she can also enjoy her life and her time, I do not tell her because I’m not expressive but I love her and I feel that this would be a good way to show it to her and see her more calm”.
SPMB: “I have many goals, dreams and things to do in this world, to achieve them I have to work hard on my goals and, as long as my eyes are on them, I will not take my finger off the line and the fact that I am a mother, a wife, a student and a housewife is not going to stop me”.
KTZG: “...my dream is to continue singing and praising God, to nourish myself with knowledge and be able to apply them in my life, as well as to share with others and never stop learning, nor lose my essence”.
GPM: “...I have been able to rethink new goals I had before, since I have reassessed the things that God has given me and how blessed I am to have a home as the beginning of my own family”.
MYVA: “... always set goals and dreams and strive to achieve them as soon as possible”.
AMM: “I cannot deny that the most difficult experience that I faced to achieve my dreams of having a teaching career was to devote myself to studying and working since second year of high school, ...My first job was as a housewife, from seven and one-half in the morning to one o’clock in the afternoon (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday), my second job was as a gardener and decorating the festive designs of an office, from eight in the morning to two in the afternoon (Thursday). The next job I could get to accumulate money for my studies was that of a housewife, from eight in the morning and six in the afternoon (Saturdays) and finally I was a nanny for three years but the job was not fixed because it was only some Sundays. “
CIAL: “... in relation to education, my past and what I did make me see that I wasted time because I would have a career done by now, but I try to see the positive things and I feel that if I am trying to change my attitude referring to it because I already decided and forged the goal of finishing to be a professional, which will be hard, yes I know, I imagine and I am living it, but I wait for the day when this is a goal of the many that I want to fulfill. I know that, in the future, it will have been worth finishing. And, of course, because I could not disappoint my family, especially my mother and my grandfather, that way”.
CKRR: “Since I was a child I have great goals and dreams to fulfill, and every ugly experience helps me to get ahead and overcome them by having a positive attitude towards them so as not to make the same mistake again”.
ACV: “... finish college, be happy and enjoy my family and my friends”.
AKHP: “At this moment I’m still studying my career, I’m happy with my family and my boyfriend with whom I have been for almost seven years, and I hope things will be that way for a long time, in order to fulfill my goals and dream”.


It can be concluded that, through the autobiographies, it is evident that university students, in order to reach a goal, required dedication, optimism, responsibility and perseverance. When they fell they got up and went on. The obstacles they had to face in life helped them to be strong. The bad decisions, over time helped them to mature, to value everything, to be empathetic, to see that very adverse and difficult situations have a solution.
That is to say, between laughter and crying we learn to live.


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2. Covey S (2011). Los 7 hábitos de los adolescentes altamente efectivos. México: Franklin Covey
3. Cueli J (1994). Vocación y afectos. México: Limusa.
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5. De-Mézerville G (2004). Ejes de la salud mental: los procesos de autoestima, dar y recibir afecto y adaptación al estrás. México: Trillas.
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Nohemí Fernández Mojica

Bachelor of Pedagogy, Veracruz University. Teacher of Planning and Educational Development at the Centennial Normal School of Durango State, PhD in Education from the Free School of Political Sciences and Public Administration of the East. Full-time professor at Veracruz University. Responsible for the academic staff: Veracruz University-CA- 391: Human Development, research and educational intervention. Line of research: Human Development. Books: Cartoons and comics, causers of infantile behavior? (2003) Mexico: Barak Comunicaciones y Distribuciones publishing house. Evaluation instruments in educational research (2010) Mexico: Threshing.. Chapters Development of Statistical Thought within the framework of the Classroom Project. Book: Educational Innovation, experiences from the area of the Classroom Project (11/29/2012) Veracruz University U.V. Publishing House: Foundation for International Higher Education, A.C. Author of several educational articles. PRODEP Desirable Profile. Level 1 Researcher of the National System of Researchers.

María Esther Barradas Alarcón
Psychologist (graduate from Veracruz University), Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology (graduate from the Psychology Faculty, Havana, Cuba), PhD in Education (graduate from the Free School of Political Sciences and Public Administration of the East), Full-time professor of Psychology at Veracruz University. Responsible for CA-Research and intervention in psychology. With a line of Paychosocial Research and Interention. She has published over 60 articles in several national and international journals, and over 15 book chapters such as: Chapter on Breaking Glass Roofs from two generations in Legitimacy Book or recognition for SNI researchers; Challenges and proposals, La Biblioteca Publishing House. She has written 10 books such as Fundamentals for Inclusive Higher Education in Mexico; a right and a must. Academia Española Publishing House, depression in university students. Palibrio Publishing House. She has the recognition of PRODEP Desirable Profile since 2009 to date and belongs to the National System of SNI 1 Researchers.