Before voting we should know some important details

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Joaquín González López


Just over 25 years the Spanish referendum voted to approve the Spanish Constitution. This guaranteed a series of civil rights that even many unaware not informed of the decisions taken relating to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. So this article is to say that, as stated in certain articles, it was a joke.


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How to Cite
González López, Joaquín. 2004. “Before voting we should know some important details”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 52 (February):19-27.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Joaquín González López, Asociación de apoyo al Jurado Público (AJURA)

Licenciado y Doctor en historia del arte y en historia y ciencias de la música por la Universidad de Granada (España). Profesor y Director de la Cátedra Manuel de Falla (Granada, España)