Old People as Subject and Object in Television. The Study in Andalucia

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Agustín Olmo López
José Antonio Navarro Moreno


This work tries to reveal the double way in the relation between the elderly people and the television. It is known that they are big consumers because television has an important role in their free time, but is less analyzed how and how much they appear like object of news. Then we have analyzed all the news of a season of a particular television, - Andalucia Television named Canal Sur-, to evaluate how many times appear and which the approach of the topic has been. We have seen that appear less than quantitatively this age group is in the population, and have detailed the topics that are more common. We see that in the daily programs there are more in relation with political topics, while in not daily programs, they are more used like active subjects.


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How to Cite
Olmo López, Agustín, and José Antonio Navarro Moreno. 2015. “Old People as Subject and Object in Television. The Study in Andalucia”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 130 (March):75-120. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2015.130.75-120.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Agustín Olmo López, Universidad de Sevilla

It combines the practical exercise of journalism with teaching. He holds a PhD in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid and works as a journalist for Canal Sur TV programs specializing in reportage. He is also an associate in the School of Communication at the University of Seville in Audiovisual Techniques and Processes Cibercultura Journalism and professor. His investigations deal with audiences and television and European issues.

José Antonio Navarro Moreno, Universidad de Sevilla

It features a curriculum that seeks a balance between teaching, research and work activities. From the academic perspective has been involved with three universities: Complutense, Autonomous of Barcelona and Seville. It is precisely in the latter, where he works as an associate professor. Doctor in communication> thesis "Local Television in Andalusia". In his role as researcher has been linked to several groups, both at the University of Seville, and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In 2009, leads the research project "European Communication Andalusian Forum". In his professional career he has been a journalist in "Canal Sur" since 1990. This means it has carried out the design of programs or making documentaries. Among his bibliography is "Local television in Andalusia, the new communication". (1999) and "10 years of RTVA". (2000).


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