Professional profiles of actresses in Spanish cinema during Desarrollismo (1959-1975)

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Virginia Sánchez Rodríguez


Until a few decades ago, Spanish cinema produced during Franco Regime (1939-1975) seemed to be surrounded by some omission and underestimation, despite the heterogeneity of productions developed in such a long and complex period. Fortunately, academic studies have observed the growth of research in this context in recent years. According to that fact, in this paper we propose an approach to the film industry of that time with a feminine view. From the chronological point of view, this study offers an approach to cinema produced during the Developism (1959-1975) through the actresses who were part of the audiovisual discipline. Since the late fifties we can observe how a group of women managed to get into the film industry as directors, producers or writers. However, most feminine visibility even fell on those women who worked as actresses, showing a range of ways of dealing with life as diverse as the film characters to which they gave life. In this study, mainly we offer an approach to the different ways in which these actresses were integrated into the film industry, offering a proposal of professional profiles.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Rodríguez, Virginia. 2018. “Professional profiles of actresses in Spanish cinema during Desarrollismo (1959-1975)”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 142 (February):19-37.
Research Articles


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