Sexual, emotional and physical variables associated with sexual response in women

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Tamara Cibrián Llanderal
Martín Cadena Barajas
Fernanda Cuervo Ledesma
Eva Martínez Fuentes


The aim of this study was to determine the sociodemographic, physical and emotional variables related to sexual satisfaction. Data were collected from women from October 2014 to April 2015. Participants included 300 women aged 18-50 years who live in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, who filled out an online questionnaire, the Index of Sexual Satisfaction was calculated and evaluated. The statistic analysis to find the relationship among variables was performed using a Chi-square test. The results show that 59.3% of women are sexually satisfied and 40.6% are not sexually satisfied. The relationship of variables between sexual satisfaction and demographic variables (marital status) physical variables (presence and frequency of different types of orgasms) and emotional variables (type of sexual activity and prejudice about sex) was determined. This study provides important data regarding satisfaction and sexual desire of women in Xalapa, Mexico.


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How to Cite
Cibrián Llanderal, Tamara, Martín Cadena Barajas, Fernanda Cuervo Ledesma, and Eva Martínez Fuentes. 2016. “Sexual, Emotional and Physical Variables Associated With Sexual Response in Women”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 136 (September):31-51.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Tamara Cibrián Llanderal, Cátedras CONACYT, Instituto de Neuroetología

She is currently Research Professor at CONACYT Chairs program of the National Council of Science and Technology, she is commissioned to the Neuroethology Institute of Veracruz University. She is a member of the National System of Researchers at the Candidate level. She holds a degree in Organizational Psychology from the Technological School of Monterrey, Mexico City Campus. She has a master's and doctor’s degree from the Institute of Neuroethology of the Veracruz University and a research stay at the Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology at the Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. She has worked on projects related to job analysis, psychometric tests, performance evaluations and training. Her research is related to neurobiology of sexual behavior, human ethology in diseases of national importance such as mental health in cancer patients and immune stress and its relation to mental health. She is the author of articles in international indexed journals. She is the author of two chapters of Behavioral Neurophysiology at the Veracruz University. She has participated as author in several presentations at conferences and events to outreach and disseminate national and international science. Within her professional scientific activities, she has collaborated in an international project with the Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology at Concordia University and with Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals and with a SEP-CONACYT basic research project. She is a member of several scientific societies and has been a reviewer of research articles for national and international journals. She has taught at high school, undergraduate and graduate levels and also participated as a director and consultant of undergraduate and graduate theses.


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