Analysis of diet consumed by children in early education in the daily routine
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The study aimed to analyze the results from the exploration of the diet consumed by children aged 3 to 6 years and the balanced diet recommended for preschoolers according to the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN). It is based on the foundations of Child Nutrition in accordance with the level of Venezuelan Initial Education, nutritional indications of the INN, Piaget's Psychogenetic Theory and its relationship with nutrition for the preoperational stage. The study is descriptive, based on a cross-sectional study of representative samples based on the type of field research. Its design is non-experimental, cross-sectional with an intentional or non-probabilistic sample composed of children in early childhood education aged 3 to 6 years old, preschool students who are not enrolled in the internal food service. The sample was approached through estimating scale instruments, anecdotal record and note taking, the following findings being obtained: consumption of the Group of Vegetable Fats and Oils represented by "fried-food"-type cooking food and the Sugar, Honey and Sugarloaf Group represented by "candy"-type food predominated in the diet of students in a pronounced way in relation to the other observed food groups which were registered among the parameters recommended by the theoretical sources
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