The discourse on entrepreneurship of women from a gender perspective

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Pilar Ortiz García


This paper deepens the factors involved in the determination to undertake, in particular, in the entrepreneurship initiative of women. It also aims to detect the elements prone to limiting such initiative. It ultimately explores the differences of this fact with respect to their male counterparts. The gender perspective makes it possible to reveal through the discourse the roles assigned to the female entrepreneur as a woman. To fulfill this purpose, a qualitative methodology based on the discourse analysis of 10 in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs of both sexes has been used. The analysis of these interviews has allowed us to establish a set of conclusions on the perception of entrepreneurship from the perspective of the entrepreneurial woman in Spain. The gender perspective allows us to observe the differences in the discourse of men and women as a reflection of a different position with respect to economic activity. As a result, the results of the discourse analysis emphasize the importance of social support and integral training for the creation of a culture that promotes and makes visible the role of entrepreneurial women in an area such as the economic one, still masculinized.


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How to Cite
Ortiz García, Pilar. 2017. “The discourse on entrepreneurship of women from a gender perspective”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 140 (September):115-29.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Pilar Ortiz García, Universidad de Murcia

Departamento de Sociología

Profesora Titular de Universidad


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