African associations in Catalonia: strengths and weaknesses

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Nuria Llevot Calvet
María Paz López Teulón


The evolution of the migratory phenomenon in Spain has led, among other issues, to the continuous growth of organizations created by immigrants. This increase takes place, on the one hand, due to the interest of the Africans themselves and, on the other hand, because of the will of the representatives of the administrations to generate interlocutors facilitating contact with immigrants. Likewise, the positions taken by different policies (state and autonomous) are fundamental when conditioning the roles played by immigrant associations.  This study[1], in the realization of which the qualitative methodology (in-depth interviews) has been used with a territorial perspective, covers all of Catalonia, it focuses the object of study on immigration and associationism of African immigrants and, more particularly, in their needs and their demands to public and private institutions.

[1] This study is part of the R & D project directed by Jordi Garreta (UdL), entitled "African immigration and associationism: latent and manifest functions" funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (CSO2008-01122 / SOCI) and focused on the communities of Catalonia, Valencia and Navarra. You can consult the full results of the work in the Monograph "Associationism and Immigration" (2013) of the International Journal of Sociology (RIS).


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How to Cite
Llevot Calvet, Nuria, and María Paz López Teulón. 2017. “African associations in Catalonia: strengths and weaknesses”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 141 (December):55-68.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Nuria Llevot Calvet, Lleida University

Special Education Teacher in Disadvantaged Settings, Education Program Coordinator
Compensatory and trainer of intercultural education in various educational institutions.
Teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work since 1996.
He has carried out research stays in foreign centers (Quebec, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
France, Senegal, Italy, among others) to collaborate on different projects.

María Paz López Teulón, Lleida University

Degree in Pedagogy from the University of Barcelona
Master in Socio-educational Intervention in Multicultural Contexts
Doctor in Pedagogy from the University of Lleida
Full-time Collaborating Doctor Professor in the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


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