The university journal [N] as a multidisciplinary project within the space Nebrija MediaLab

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Carlos Jimenez Narros


The Faculty of Communication of Nebrija University has shown great consideration towards the realization of projects that bring students closer to the reality of their profession. Previous efforts in support of this commitment have offered students foundational training in professional skills that are required in the world of communication. For more than fifteen years, the university has been running extra-curricular activities that are regarded as a benchmark in the sector, such as the Festival of Youth in Advertising, the AdN Short Film Festival and the Nipho Journalism Contest. The purpose of this article is to present how the design and creation of a university journal [N], born in the heart of the Laboratory of Educational Innovation, Nebrija MediaLab, can turn into an multidisciplinary project of several laboratories (news, advertising and design). This activity is being developed during the academic year 2016-2017 after the latest changes were incorporated into this media platform, which was first conceived in our center three years ago. The objective is for students to strengthen their professional curriculum while obtaining the necessary skill to be able to perform in the profession with more agility.    


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How to Cite
Jimenez Narros, Carlos. 2018. “The university journal [N] as a multidisciplinary project within the space Nebrija MediaLab”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 142 (February):39-49.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Carlos Jimenez Narros, Universidad Nebrija

Profesor de la Facultad de Comunicación

Coordinador de Investigación y Doctorado


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