The integration of arts through a didactic proposal in secondary education: music, plastic art and body expression
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The present article develops an experimental proposal for the integration of the arts: music, plastic arts and corporal expression within the framework of Compulsory Secondary Education. It is about proposing an interdisciplinary experience that can be carried to the reality of the Secondary classroom and that allows the development of artistic creativity and sensitivity, based on contemporary art. The main objective is to generate and build a methodological framework (interdisciplinarity, project work and cooperation) on which active experiences and innovative techniques can be developed, the interest of which fosters an approach to culture. In this context, the realization of the pedagogical process is put before the result that will be obtained through experience. The essence of the project lies in the integration of different arts to achieve a common purpose, thus allowing better adaptation to the objectives and contents of the official curriculum. This proposal is possible to be developed in the classroom and allows better understanding of the artistic phenomenon: by not treating it as an isle towards other disciplines and giving it a reachable meaning it’s possible to appeal to a wider arc of personalities, while recognizing a multi-facetal vision of the sense of arts.
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