The market research focused in the social media: know your consumer thanks to their publications through Facebook and Twitter. The case analysis of ADT Security Services in Chile

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Beatriz Feijoo Fernández
Juan José Guerrero Cortés


Facebook and Twitter have become two main windows which are used by society to express and expose their opinions and fears: recent studies have shown that people could know someone in a deeper way than their own family thanks to their publications through Twitter and Facebook (Youyou, Kosinski & Stillwel, 2015). In this context of Big Data, this paper tries to reflect about the usefulness of the social media as a formal research source to know, define and characterize the target audience, which would guide the design of creative strategy. This research is focused on a campaign of ADT Security Services Chile (TYCO) for which was used a variant of the ethnography as the main methodology, the netnography which was adapted to the analysis of online communities, a simpler and faster method, cheaper than traditional ethnography and more naturalistic than the employment of focus groups or interviews. We obtained non-inductive public information about the target consumption patterns, checking the effectiveness of the social media content analysis to get a security concept which with the consumer feels identified and which finally was the basis of the creative strategy. 


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How to Cite
Feijoo Fernández, Beatriz, and Juan José Guerrero Cortés. 2018. “The Market Research Focused in the Social Media: Know Your Consumer Thanks to Their Publications through Facebook and Twitter. The Case Analysis of ADT Security Services in Chile”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 144 (September):19-35.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Beatriz Feijoo Fernández, Universidad de los Andes (Chile)

PhD in Communication and a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication from the University of Vigo (Spain). She works as a professor and researcher at the School of Communication of the University of the Andes (Chile). She has also been professionally involved in the field of journalism and institutional communication, working for several years in the Communication Area of the University of Vigo. Author of several publications and scientific articles on communication and children.

Juan José Guerrero Cortés, Universidad de los Andes (Chile)

Bachelor of Advertising from the University of the Pacific (Chile). Master of Consumer Behavior from Adolfo Ibañes University (Chile) and Doctor of Communication from the University of the Andes (Chile). He works as a professor and researcher at the School of Communication of the University of the Andes. Professionally, he was Creative Director, for over 9 years, in Advertising Agencies and was Marketing Director and General Manager in several Brand Consulting Companies.


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