A didactic method of empowerment from the TV series: “Black Mirror”

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Victor Cerdán Martínez


This article analyzes the Sci-Fi TV series “Black Mirror”, using linguistic and narrative morphologies as a starting point, with the objective of putting forward a teaching method that can be used with college students to encourage a reflective attitude. “Black Mirror” is original of “Netflix UK”; it has reached a huge audience and also harnessed very good reviews. Each chapter shows a near future where society lives submerged in a world made up of artificial images. The present research uses a qualitative method based on the narrative theories of J. Campbell, V. Propp and C. Vogler. Just as the fictional hero, the student is led into the journey that Campbell describes in his research “The hero of a thousand faces”: departure, initiation and return. The college student watches a “Black Mirror” episode (departure), performs a comparative analysis between the chapter and current society (initiation) and publishes it on social networks (return). This being specified, the author tests it with fifteen film school students from the Camilo José Cela University in Madrid. The intention being examining the validity of the method in a classroom and check its results. The final objective of this teaching method is to promote a reflexive attitude of college students and their empowerment regarding the emerging cybersociety.



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How to Cite
Cerdán Martínez, Victor. 2018. “A Didactic Method of Empowerment from the TV Series: ‘Black Mirror’”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 144 (September):37-49. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2018.144.37-49.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Victor Cerdán Martínez, Universidad Camilo José Cela

Víctor Cerdán is a doctor of journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. Currently, he is a member of the GISDA research group at Camilo José Cela University, where he has taught the subjects: «Theory of Communication» and «Making Fiction». He has been a professor at the workshop of new filmmakers of ECAM (Madrid Film School) and at Tracor Institute (San Pablo CEU University). In addition to his academic experience as a researcher and professor, he works in films and television. He is director of the series of documentaries, "Invisible Heroes", broadcast on La 2 (RTVE). and of the short films «Radio Atacama» and «The Evil» selected and awarded at International Festivals (Malaga, Berlin, Mexico, Hamburg, Paris, Vila Do Conde, Seoul, Madrid, Tehran, etc).  


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