The personal is political: a baby in the session of constitution of the general courts. The television treatment of the case of Carolina Bescansa and her son. (January 13, 2016)

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Asunción Bernardez Rodal
Marta Serrano Fuertes


This paper analyzes the role of television news in the construction of the image of women in politics. Specifically, the issue is Carolina Bescansa, who came to the Congress with her baby on the day that the Spanish Parliament was constituted on January 13, 2016. The text analyzes how the news broke in the different generalist television channels in Spain: what representatives of the political parties intervened, how much time they were given the floor, and what was especially the argument used by the participants mainly to disqualify the decision of Bescansa. This case is an example not only of how women can be disqualified in politics for private matters, but also of how motherhood and caring are a subject for debate in our societies. An example that might drive towards a needed discussion over the re-thinking of what is accepted and acceptable in our society: both in the politician’s sceneario and in the critic’s grandtands. Because both spaces, complying with the democratic rule, are opening more and more to an increasing number of people, classes and backgrounds.


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How to Cite
Bernardez Rodal, Asunción, and Marta Serrano Fuertes. 2018. “The personal is political: a baby in the session of constitution of the general courts. The television treatment of the case of Carolina Bescansa and her son. (January 13, 2016)”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 142 (February):79-96.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Asunción Bernardez Rodal, Universidad Complutense

Profesora Titular Departamento de Periodismo III Facultad de Ciencias de la Información Universidad Complutense


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