Qualitative research: epistemological, theoretical and methodological foundations
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Qualitative research emerges as an emergent and novel paradigm, which has received the influence of diverse philosophical currents represented by: Edgar Morin, Paulo Freire, Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger and Schütz Alfred. The objective of this document was to analyze the epistemological, theoretical and methodological foundations of qualitative or interpretative research. The methodology used was documentary research. For this, a discrimination of scientific articles indexed in various electronic repositories was conducted, which provided a broad view on the subject of study, based on various authors and the own opinion of the researcher. It is concluded that qualitative research is an emergent theoretical corpus that supports its epistemological and methodological vision in the subjective and intersubjective experiences of the subjects, the practice of which is oriented towards the society constructed by man, where the versions and opinions of the different social actors interact to build their own reality in a cooperative and dynamic way.
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