Half-naked, gender and other factors on television spots. A neuroscience approach
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This paper shows the results of an experiment in neuroscience on a group of 20 people of both sexes, whose electrodermal activity was measured simultaneously while they were watching TV spots. Also, we paid special attention to the analysis of gender differences and their attentional and emotional activation patterns. The results show that spots containing half-naked models or models only in underwear are significantly higher in average attendance (in both sexes) with respect to those without this feature. In addition, we also concluded that there were significant differences in relation to the familiarity of the audience with the brand in both sexes too (more attention is paid to known brands) Finally, it was also possible to emphasize that attentional activation occurs to a greater extent at the beginning and end of the spot, although it is more clearly seen in the case of women. Likewise, a common pattern of attentional activation may be suggested when a sound rupture occurs.
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