The ‘Desing Thinking’ as a resource and methodology for visual liteteracy in preschool at Mexican multigrade schools

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Montserrat Magro Gutierrez
Silvia Carrascal Domínguez


The aim of the study is to carry out a research on the influence of the Design Thinking as a resource and methodology in educational contexts in order to promote an active learning in preschool students at Mexican multigrade schools. These tools and methodologies will act as a key to transform learning environments in Preschool Education at rural schools. The results reveal that innovation can be introduced at these schools through communication and visual language, increasing the chances of success, without having to increment the number of resources or improve their infrastructures. Training and innovative and creative development of the educator, as well as a proper use of communication and Visual Literacy, as parts and motors of the learning, will help students to develop and strengthen their creative, innovative and critical thinking. Likewise, focusing on educational ways and learning areas promote a bidirectional and highly enriching attention. That's why educators have to be trained in research, discover, imagining and solving problems in a divergent way in real situations, would be the one who lead this learning and transformation process of the classroom of Children Education.


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How to Cite
Magro Gutierrez, Montserrat, and Silvia Carrascal Domínguez. 2019. “The ‘Desing Thinking’ As a Resource and Methodology for Visual Liteteracy in Preschool at Mexican Multigrade Schools”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 146 (March):71-95.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Montserrat Magro Gutierrez, Universidad Camilo José Cela

Graduate in Early Childhood Education by the Normal School of Educators “Bertha Von Glummer and Leyva”. Teacher in Pedagogy from the University of Sur. He has taught at private and public pre-school education centers (rural and urban), in the state of Chiapas; Mexico. She has served as a commissioned teacher in the Preschool Curricular Development program belonging to the Technical Education Directorate, serving as Educational Technical Advisor, and has served as Advisor to the Under Secretary of Federalized Education of the State of Chiapas, of the Ministry of Public Education. She is currently a PhD student in Education Sciences at the Camilo José Cela University and member of the Research Group (Gdl) Culture, Society and Education of the UCJC.

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Silvia Carrascal Domínguez, Universidad Camilo José Cela

PhD in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid, Arts´s Expert in Education, Creativity and Management of Social, Cultural and Educational Policies. He has taught at educational centers of the Ministry of Education of the Community of Madrid, at the School of Teaching ESCUNI, attached to the Complutense University and the Degrees of Early Childhood and Primary Education of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). She is currently Vice-Rector for Teaching and Learning at the Camilo José Cela University. Director of the Research Group (GdI) Culture, Society and Education of the UCJC and research member of the GdI in Recent History (GIHRE) of the University of Navarra and of the GdI Cultures, Religions and Human Rights (CRDH) of the UNIR.

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