Art direction and advertising production: analyze, connect, experiment and create
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This paper presents an educational innovation experience based on the creation of advertising campaigns by students on a subject previously established by the teacher. The experience has been carried out in the subject Art Direction and Advertising Production, given in the 3rd year of the official degree in Communication and Public Relations during the first semester of the 2017-2018 academic year, in the Valencia campus of ESIC Business & Marketing School. The objective of this project is to promote the autonomous and continuous learning of students, increase their active participation and collaborative work in the classroom, as well as linking them to the professional realities of their environment. The process has been approached from two different perspectives: the Felder-Silverman Learning Styles Model FSLSM and the ACEC Model. For this, the questionnaire on the Learning Styles Index (ILS) proposed by Felder and Soloman has been used. Based on the results obtained, a sequence of teaching actions based on four axes has been proposed: analyze, connect, experiment and create (ACEC), integrating the preferences of the students' cognitive profile according to the FSLSM. The quantitative analysis of the experience reveals a high acceptance among the students.
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