Study about labor expectations of students of the initial education career at the Metropolitan University Caracas-Venezuela
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The main objective of this study was to determine the job expectations of the students of the Initial Education career at the Metropolitan University (Caracas-Venezuela) to contribute to the process of continuous improvement of academic quality. To this end, a non-experimental descriptive research was designed, consisting of two variables: characteristics of higher education students and job expectations. After the application of a mixed survey (open and closed questions) the data were analyzed in a quantitative and qualitative way. The most outstanding results indicated the desire of the subjects to become agents of change and to fulfill their teaching role (90.24%) Despite considering that the race is not valued by Venezuelan society, most of the sample indicated that they have developed skills of social sensitivity, fostered directly from the Metropolitan University and showed that 47.62% as the main job expectation to the Educational Management, which seems to indicate the high expectations of work as there is a projection in the highest hierarchy of the educational hierarchy. It was concluded that studying the work expectations of higher education students contributes to the improvement of study plans, which translates into the improvement of the academic quality service, within the framework of knowing the reality of the social-labor sector in conjunction with the interests, needs and expectations of subjects of higher education that favor the insertion in the labor market.
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