The speech referred to in the opinion articles. Analysis of dialogue in the columns of Alfonso Sánchez

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María Ángeles Villa García
Enrique Arroyas Langa


Polyphony is a characteristic feature of journalistic discourse. Through the representation of different voices, the interpretative and ideological diversity of the social context is introduced. In the discourse the different voices relate to each other and to the voice of the narrator. This work aims to reflect on the dialogue as a rhetorical resource in the opinion article. Our hypothesis is that reported speech is a technique that produces rhetorical effects, which, in the case of opinion columns, contribute to the reinforcement of its persuasive power. Thus the objective of this work is to define and describe the use of reported speech in opinion columns and analyze its aesthetic and cognitive effects. For this purpose, the dialogical components of ten columns written by the journalist Alfonso Sánchez in the Informaciones newspaper will be analyzed, since according to our hypothesis this author picks up the tradition of the article of customs at a moment of renewal of the opinion genre in Spain. The rhetorical and narrative analysis that we carried out shows that Sánchez's column interprets reality through a polyphony of voices, directed by a narrating self that acts as a witness. Through the opening to the voices of the characters, the discourse referred to increases the dynamism of the narrated facts, provides verisimilitude and, limiting the presence of the narrator, opens the discourse to a plurality of approaches.


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How to Cite
Villa García, María Ángeles, and Enrique Arroyas Langa. 2019. “The Speech Referred to in the Opinion Articles. Analysis of Dialogue in the Columns of Alfonso Sánchez”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 148 (September):101-19.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

María Ángeles Villa García, Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM)

Degree in Journalism (June 2001), at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Catholic University  San Antonio de Murcia. She is currently doing a PhD at the Catholic University of Murcia, in the Social Sciences Program. Contract  of  work in National Radio of Spain in the territorial station of Murcia. Tasks performed: writing and presentation of newsletters, equipment management and self-control; at the Europa Press News Agency, Murcia. Tasks performed: news writing; in the newspaper La Razón. Tasks performed: news writing; and in the Murcia Autonomous Television, 7RM. Tasks performed: News editor.

Enrique Arroyas Langa, Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM)

With an active research six-year period recognized by the CNEAI (2006-2014), Enrique Arroyas Langa (Valencia, 1966) has a degree in Information Sciences from the University of Navarra and a PhD in Communication from the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia. Since 2003 he is a professor at the Faculty of Communication of the UCAM, where in addition to teaching the subject of Journalistic Writing, he is the director of the Title of Expert in Political Communication.


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