Hollywood and the Pentagon. The propagandistic cultural production of the United States Defense Department

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Samuel Vega Durán


The Department of Defense of United States and a sector of Hollywood maintain a long and prosperous productive relationship. The Pentagon helps the production and financing of various films under the condition of being able to make script modifications and influence the representations that the film makes of the United States and its army. This work analyzes the latest films in which the Pentagon has participated since 2015 to specify the possible propagandistic elements common to these production that would serve to classify them as pieces of persuasive or manipulative communication. Through an analysis of discourse applied to the sample, several recurrent narrative and representational strategies have been identified in the different films that, together, make up a clear propaganda strategy that is sustained at the time of the investigation. The cinema influenced by the United States Department of Defense works as a tool for the legitimation and promotion of North American global hegemony trough construction of Manichean representations of the army and political power of United States.


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How to Cite
Vega Durán, Samuel. 2020. “Hollywood and the Pentagon. The Propagandistic Cultural Production of the United States Defense Department”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 150 (March):81-102. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2020.150.81-102.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Samuel Vega Durán, Universidad de Málaga

Samuel Vega Durán, Graduado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por la Universidad de Málaga, Colaborador en el Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad de la Universidad de Málaga y Estudiante del Máster en Dirección Estratégica e Innovación en Comunicación del mismo centro.


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