Sensory marketing: the concept, its techniques and its application to the point of sale
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Sensory marketing contains a set of strategic decisions focused on the sense’s stimulation in the public. When these decisions are taken on the point of sale, the public accomplish a full experience that brings them close to the product that they are evaluating, motivating in this way the final purchase. Hence, the establishments that apply in an appropriate way this kind of techniques strengthen a highly satisfactory purchase experience, focusing on the subconscious level related to the sense. Nevertheless, a few considerations need to be taken into account when applying these techniques to get the desired objectives, being aware of the neuroscience advances. In this text, an exploration of sensory marketing concept is carried out, pointing out its various typologies and application possibilities. Firstly, the potential of the five senses as means of leaving a memory in the consumer is described. After that, measuring techniques and implementation guidelines are specified, and finally, the customer’s buying process in the establishment is detailed, indicating how the final purchase could be stimulated with a senses-focused strategy.
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