Video art as a methodological tool and creative catalyst The acquisition of competences in media literacy with the help of emotions
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This research arises from the need to provide society with useful tools for the media literacy of individuals in a world flooded by audiovisual technologies. In addition, it is necessary to have an educational system that evolves in parallel to the changes that originate outside of it and for it, among others, it is necessary to resort to those languages that students use, in order to encourage motivation, But without forgetting the need to educate them with a critical attitude where they reflect and question themselves. From the teaching practice, developed into two workshops With secondary school students from an IES in Madrid and an IES in Murcia with high-ability students, based on a comparative research (quantitative and qualitative), we will analyze the results of an educational methodology of media competencies through video art, with the purpose of encouraging other teachers to use media literacy in their classroom. This literacy is governed by the semantic structure of the audiovisual for its inclusion in the school curriculum in a transversal way. The teacher will be able to adapt to his programming all those aspects that the audiovisual contributes to the construction of critical thinking.
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