Challenges before rewriting the women’s sexed body and female prostitution: a case study

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Antonio Jesús Martínez Pleguezuelos
Elena Alcalde Peñalver
Alexandra Santamaría Urbieta


This study brings to light the challenges that translators have to face when identifying the need of bringing the feminist perspective into focus if faced with texts related with the topic of prostitution. The case study here described highlights a practical exercise given to a group of students in which they had to translate from English into Spanish an article that tackled the social and cultural complexities that come from conceiving prostitution as a human right. The goal of this activity consisted, on the one hand, in favouring a reflection about the ideological implications that participate in the translation of this type of texts and, on the other hand, in getting to know the point of view as well as the tools the students had when facing a translation like this. After the analysis of the results obtained, we verify the ethical implications of the translation activity in the discursive definition of both the woman and man in opposed senses. Therefore, we consider it necessary to continue training students in translation so that they are able to detect the discursive tools that contribute to consolidating the imbalances between men and women and the roles that they are assigned in society.


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Martínez Pleguezuelos, Antonio Jesús, Elena Alcalde Peñalver, and Alexandra Santamaría Urbieta. 2020. “Challenges before rewriting the women’s sexed body and female prostitution: a case study”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 150 (March):59-80.
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