Virtual environment e-evaluation as a management tool in numerous groups
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This article presents the development of a virtual environment of e-evaluations for the management of evaluations and monitoring of the academic performance of students in large groups, applied in a pilot test in the academic unit of mechatronic engineering of Sinaloa Polytechnic University, Mexico. The development of the virtual environment of e-evaluations consists in the use of the model-view-controller framework, CodeIgniter developed by EllisLab, at the same time Bootstrap, a framework developed within the Twitter company, was used with the aim of standardizing the tools that are used in the development of the front-end. The results obtained allow us to observe an increase in synchronous and asynchronous interaction between professor and student in a virtual environment of e-evaluations; for their part, the professors measured and observed a saving in the time allocated to carry out the evaluation in large groups. The evaluation was carried out through customized management of each of the students. On the other hand, the virtual environment involved the student in his own evaluation and feedback, the experience in the use of the virtual environment said by the students was positive since it allowed them to develop the evaluation in an interactive way in a shorter time. In conclusion, it was obtained that the virtual e-evaluations environment provides elements that promote the follow-up and monitoring of the evaluation results.
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