The creative process of the carnival groups of Cadiz.

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Estrella Fernández Jiménez


The Cadiz Carnival and the groups that participate in the COAC (Official Contest of Carnival Groups) have a number of followers that every year increases. This boost in the audience is due to the dissemination of the media and social networks, but above all, due to their quantity and creative quality. It´s a cultural manifestation that is becoming increasingly important in the academic field. This article aims to study something that always remains hidden from followers and spectators (and even among the authors and creators of the coplas): the process of audiovisual creation of the groups (lyrics, music, and staging). Here, in addition to a panoramic view of the processes of audiovisual creation of the authors, it is analyzed for the first time whether they follow a similar pace regardless of the modality, if each one is different, or if they have common times and organizations. Through a qualitative methodology and weekly monitoring of the creative process to various authors of each competing modality, this article responds to the aforementioned questions about the carnival groups in Cádiz, which belong to the popular culture with great communication potential. It is a phenomenon that, although it has a dispersed and individualized process, there are fundamental coincidences in the order of creation. The results obtained can serve to deepen the knowledge of this phenomenon as well as possible help those who want to approach carnival creation.


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How to Cite
Fernández Jiménez, Estrella. 2020. “The creative process of the carnival groups of Cadiz”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 153 (December):29-53.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Estrella Fernández Jiménez, The University of Cádiz

Degree in Audiovisual Communication and Ph.D. from the University of Seville. Her main lines of research are the media, television production, the Cádiz Carnival, non-verbal communication, culture, and humor.  

She has worked in companies related to communication and as a teacher of Spanish for foreigners. She is currently a professor at the University of Cádiz in the area of ​​Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. She has directed and presented the radio program “Mira que te diga” in INDESS Media (UCA), addressing non-verbal communication in society and the artistic world. In 2018, she made the TEDx talk "Raphael ¿Me lo cantas o me lo cuentas?"


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