Instagram as a musical learning tool in secondary education and high school
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The use of renovating methodologies that include attractive elements for ESO and high-school students is related in many cases to the use of ICT resources, whose applications in the secondary and high-school classroom are carried out through platforms created for educational purposes with a use restricted to the academic field. However, these applications are not among the most used by young people in our country of their own free will. In this sense, in this article a didactic intervention has been implemented in two groups of the 4th year of ESO and the first year of high school in a public institute in the metropolitan area of Valencia City, in the subjects of music and musical analysis respectively, which uses the social network Instagram as a learning tool for the musical content that is being taught in the textbook in a traditional way. The application of Instagram in order to create memes of the contents that are being taught in music subjects at these academic levels improve the learning results of students in a very positive way. Also, these types of activities are very motivating for students as compared to conventional methodologies.
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