Transformation in the motivation and aspirations of Spanish Journalism students over three years: an analysis of the explanatory variables
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This paper describes the evolution in the motivation of Journalism students throughout three years, and details though a regression analysis some of the variables that explain its fluctuations. In order to achieve that, three surveys were carried out in consecutive years (2017, 2018 y 2019) on two generations of students from the universities of Málaga and Complutense of Madrid (n=2,546). The results show a loss in the motivation in both groups: the most vocational students diminish around 30%, while the most discontent increase between 71% and 347% depending of the course. This is aggravated by the growing pushfulness of corporate communication and the high abandon rate of the survey, which tends to reflect disinterest in journalism as a profession. The regression analysis (adjusted r2 = 0.151) indicated that the will of being a journalist was determined by other factors besides the course, such as satisfaction with the degree (the less satisfied are also less motivated) or area of interest (higher motivation in Sports, lower in Culture). Internship experience, perception on the media performance and age also had a minor impact.
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