Hashtag politics in Twitter

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Ana Pano Alamán


This paper on political communication in Twitter presents and discusses the results of a comparative pragmalinguistic analysis of a corpus of hashtags, included in the tweets published in their own profile by five Spanish political leaders from April 12 to November 8, 2019. Within this period of almost 8 months, two general elections, the elections to the European Parliament, and several regional and local electoral appointments took place in Spain. This quantitative and qualitative study aims at delving into the impact that this device has on political discourse in social network sites, identifying the formal and content similarities and differences that it presents in the messages of the leaders considered, and pointing out the discursive functions that it has in such messages. The main objective is determinining whether hashtags are mechanisms of innovation in current political communication. The results show that there are relevant differences regarding the number of hashtags used by each politician. However, from a formal and a functional point of view, they are used similarly with the functions of persuading the voter, like a slogan, and summing up and contextualizing the content of the tweet. At the same time, the hashtag implicitly invites the leaders’ followers to support and viralize the political message.


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How to Cite
Pano Alamán, Ana. 2020. “Hashtag Politics in Twitter”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 152 (September):49-68. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2020.152.49-68.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Ana Pano Alamán, Università di Bologna

Professor of Spanish Language and Linguistics at the University of Bologna. Her lines of research are the linguistic and pragmatic analysis of digital discourse and political and journalistic discourses in Spanish. Within these lines she has published numerous articles in national and international magazines. She is the author of the monograph Dialogar en la Red (2008) and co-author of Political discourse on Twitter (2013), Colloquial Spanish on social networks (2013), Informatica umanistica (2017) and Opinar en la Red. Pragmatic analysis of the citizen  voice (in press). She has been a member of the Board of Directors of the International Association for Discourse Studies and Society (EDiSo) and collaborates with research groups and projects on language in the media, such as Language and Press and METAPRES. The metalinguistic discourse in the Spanish press (1940-today).


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