Attention to diversity during COVID-19: Legislative review of measures according to LOMCE

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Javier Rodríguez Torres
Óscar Gómez Jiménez


Following the establishment of the state of alarm caused by COVID-19 and the consequent closure of schools nationwide, formal education has moved from a presential learning context to virtual learning environments in a matter of hours. We present a review of the Spanish educational regulations on attention to students’ diversity and the measures to be implemented in extraordinary learning contexts, such as the one we live worldwide. For its realization, we have conducted an analysis of the content embodied in the national organic legislation and in the guidelines of the Education and Vocational Training Ministry, focused on the measures for attention to diversity. The educational policy, and administrations in charge, are not prepared for a change in the methodology of attention to students that can reduce inequalities among students and provide an equitable access to learning, since the compensatory role of the school (as institution) cannot be supplied through the virtualization of teaching. In this regard, teachers and the autonomy of the centers represent an added value in equal opportunities, which is diminished in virtual educational environments due to the socioeconomic conditions of students, further increasing educational inequality.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Torres, Javier, and Óscar Gómez Jiménez. 2021. “Attention to diversity during COVID-19: Legislative review of measures according to LOMCE”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 154 (March):1-19.
Monograph 3
Author Biographies

Javier Rodríguez Torres, University of Castilla-La Mancha

He holds a Ph.D. in Pedagogy by the University of Alcalá (Spain) in the line of teacher training and ICTs. In addition to being a teacher in Early Childhood and Primary Education with several specializations, he completed the Master’s Degree in School Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid. He is a member of the CIBERIMAGINARIO-UCLM research group ( He is currently the Academic Director of Economics and Planning of the University of Castilla — La Mancha. He is also coordinator of the Secondary Master’s Degree at the Campus de Toledo, and director of the postgraduate course in Disability, Inclusion, and Citizenship. Nuevos Enfoques(already in the 5th Edition). His lines of research, regarding ICTs, are their curricular integration, gender differences in their inclusion and curriculum, power-knowledge discourses generated by the use and implementation of technologies.

Óscar Gómez Jiménez, University of Castilla-La Mancha

He is a teacher in Primary Education specialized in English and Therapeutic Pedagogy at the Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesúsand María Inmaculada(Miajadas, Cáceres). He holds a Master’s Degree in Psychopedagogy by the University of Barcelona and is a Ph.D. candidate in Humanities, Arts and Education Investigation at the University of Castilla — La Mancha. He is a specialist in Attention to Diversity and his lines of research are: Educational Legislation, Attention to Diversity, and Inclusive Education.


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