Radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer in the advertising of the early 20th century

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Laura Almudéver Campo
Ramón E. Camaño Puig


The discovery of X-rays and radium generated great curiosity among scientists. Both elements represented the miracle cure that could treat a wide range of deadly diseases, such as cancer, and could meet the expectations of the population. The objective of this article is to analyze the advertising inserts related to radium and X-rays applied to cancer treatment, in the Spanish press at the beginning of the 20th century (1903-1912), in the ABC and La Vanguardia newspapers. To do this, each and every one of the times that the term "cancer" could be identified in advertisements was selected from the digital archive of both media, to later select only those offering radiotherapy for the cure of cancer. A total of 162 advertisements were published, 146 for ABC and 16 for La Vanguardia. It can be affirmed that the treatment provided by both media is quite different in numerical terms, although concerning the qualitative aspects there are important levels of coincidences. Advertising was mainly editorial, although little by little image began to gain prominence, the advertising messages were refined and the typographical treatment improved; something that is incipiently noted in our group of advertisements. All this allows us to speak of the progressive consolidation of an advertising market since the first decade of the 20th century.


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How to Cite
Almudéver Campo, Laura, and Ramón E. Camaño Puig. 2021. “Radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer in the advertising of the early 20th century”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 154 (March):1-21.
Artículos de Investigación
Author Biographies

Laura Almudéver Campo, University of Valencia

She holds a Ph.D. in Nursing from the University of Valencia (2016), a Master’s Degree in Oncological Nursing (2011), a Degree in Journalism (2007), and is licensed in nursing (2003). She has worked as a care nurse in different hospitals and health centers. She balances her care labor with teaching, lecturing as an Adjunct Professor at the Nursing School of the University of Valencia. Similarly, she has been part of the editorial team for the journal Enfermería Integral of the Colegio de Enfermería de Valencia since 2007, and its coordinator since 2015. 

Ramón E. Camaño Puig, University of Valencia

He holds a European Ph.D. (1997) by the Leeds Metropolitan University (UK). He has a Degree in Nursing and a Degree in Audiovisual Communication by the University of Valencia. Currently, he is a Professor at the University of Valencia; he has been part in several programs of the European Union and has published different articles and books on communication and health matters.


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