Migrant university teachers: a quantitative look at a qualitative problem

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Audy Salcedo
Ramón Alexander Uzcátegui Pacheco


Concerning Venezuela, migration is a recent phenomenon that, due to its magnitude, has attracted the attention of countries and international organizations. This study focuses on university professors to investigate some of the factors that conditioned their leaving the country, determine their job and academic characteristics at the time of migration, and explore elements of their social inclusion and professional integration in the host country. We worked with a non-probability sample of 373 professors who answered an online questionnaire. The results indicate that the country's economic and political crisis motivated their migration. Most began to leave as of 2015. Almost half hold a doctorate and less than a third now work in university teaching, but they state that their living conditions are better now than when they migrated.


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How to Cite
Salcedo, Audy, and Ramón Alexander Uzcátegui Pacheco. 2021. “Migrant university teachers: a quantitative look at a qualitative problem”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 154 (March):101-31. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2021.154.e1277.
Artículos de Investigación
Author Biographies

Audy Salcedo, Central University of Venezuela

He holds a Degree in Education with specialization in Mathematics by the Central University of Venezuela. He holds a Master’s Degree in Teaching of Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Education. He currently works as a professor of Statistics Applied to Education in undergraduate and graduate degrees at the same university. He is also a professor in the Doctorate in Education at the Andres Bello University of Venezuela. In the Central University of Venezuela, he has held various university management posts: Executive Coordinator of the Inter-Faculty Cooperation Program; Head of the Center for Educational Research; Head of the Department of Statistics and Informatics Applied to Education; Department Chair of Quantitative Methods. He has various national and international publications. He is an Associate Editor of Areté, Revista Digital del Doctorado en Educación de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Ramón Alexander Uzcátegui Pacheco, Andrés Bello National University

He holds a Ph.D. in Humanities (UCV, 2010), and a Degree in Education (UCV, 2005); a Post-doctoral Degree in Philosophy and Education Sciences (UCV, 2016); a Master’s Degree in Educational Research and Innovation (UNED-2019). He did a Post-doctoral Internship at the Playa Ancha University (Chile, 2018); and a Research Stay at CEINCE (Soria-Spain, 2019). Professor at the Playa Ancha University, Chile (2018), at Santo Tomás University (2018), and at Andres Bello University of Chile (2019). He is member of the Study Group “Enseñanza de la Historia, Ciudadanía y Educación” (UC, UNAB, UPLA - Chile); member of the Line of Research Memoria Educativa Venezolana (UCV-Venezuela); Member of the Latin America, Africa, Europe, and the Caribbean International Network (ALEC — Université de Limoges-France). He is Editor of the Revista de Pedagogía (UCV, 2016-2018); Accredited Researcher: PEII-Venezuela, 2nd Level (2010-2015). Researcher registered in CONCYTEC-Perú (2018); Researcher with publications in the fields of Education, Pedagogy, History of Education, and School Texts.


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