Multiculturality, interculturality and human rights. Approach and proscpective

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José Daniel Barquero Cabrero


Changes in global culture, the inevitable mix of civilizations and especially everything related to multiculturalism are part of our daily landscape. In fact, we have become so used to it, that we often even struggle to perceive it as such. In cities, and even towns, migratory flows are constant, but our time is especially characterized by the speed and complexity of changes. Economic, political, cultural changes ... Today's world is substantially different from that of ten years ago, and nobody dares to predict tomorrow's (the only certainty is insecurity, the only certainty is uncertainty). In any case, it is unquestionable that multiculturalism constitutes one of the most important assets of the impressive process of change that we have had to live through, because there are many elements that depend on it, at least in part: economy, politics, work, income , technology, aspirations of individuals, opportunities.


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Barquero Cabrero, José Daniel. 2009. “Multiculturality, Interculturality and Human Rights. Approach and Proscpective”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 104 (April):183-209.
Research Articles
Author Biography

José Daniel Barquero Cabrero, ESERP Business School

General Director of ESERP Business School


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