The case of Pinterest: self representation and virtual collection through images

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Mariona Visa Barbosa


If the uses of photography illustrate the society of each moment, in our current hypermodern era we see how the personal representation, the communication and the collecionism are part of these uses. Many users of social networks do not produce content for themselves, but use it instead as a tool to communicate between them. The platform Pinterest is a place to organize the things in which we are interested in in different folders at the same time that we can show them to the rest of the world. Thus enables the transmission of information and the horizontal communication between users, key features of the social media in Internet.


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How to Cite
Visa Barbosa, Mariona. 2013. “The case of Pinterest: self representation and virtual collection through images”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication, no. 122 (March):92-105.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Mariona Visa Barbosa, Universitat de Lleida

Licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona en 2001. Doctora en Comunicación Social en 2012 con la tesis titulada “L’àlbum fotogràfic familiar: evolució sociológica i narrativa”.   Actualmente trabaja como profesora investigadora en la Universitat de Lleida, en el Grado de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual, investigando temas de fotografía, redes sociales y narrativa, como los nuevos usos de las fotografías familiares en las redes sociales.


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