The «ventrilocuo effect» of the international news agencies. Theoretical review and incidence on new forms of misinformation

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Sabina Civila
Bárbara Castillo-Abdul
Luis Miguel Romero-Rodríguez


This research reflects, from a theoretical perspective, how most of the international events that reach the rest of the media are disseminated through news agencies, causing the well-known «ventriloquist effect»: multiple media, a single voice; and explores how online platforms have fostered this phenomenon, causing a structural increase in misinformation. In this sense, the research aims to understand the development of the «ventriloquist effect»with the progress of «new media»and, as a consequence, the increase of disinformation. For this grounded theory documentary analysis, the methodological procedure was based on the bibliographic review of the literature in the international reference databases (WoS and Scopus), carrying out an analysis of primary studies to synthesize the information. The results indicate, among other issues, that social networks foster spaces of structural misinformation in the current ecosystem. In conclusion, the relationship between the "ventriloquist effect" and misinformation, which arises from reticularly and information-digital decentralization, is determined.


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How to Cite
Civila, Sabina, Bárbara Castillo-Abdul, and Luis Miguel Romero-Rodríguez. 2021. “The «ventrilocuo Effect» of the International News Agencies. Theoretical Review and Incidence on New Forms of Misinformation”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 154 (May):25-46.
Monograph 4
Author Biographies

Sabina Civila, University of Huelva

FPI Predoctoral Researcher at the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Huelva. Doctoral student in the Interuniversity Communication program (UHU) in the Edu-communication line. Master in strategic communication and communication innovation (Malaga, Huelva, Seville, and Cadiz), and Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Cádiz. Researcher at the 'Ágora' Research Group (HUM-648). She currently focuses her research on social media, edu-communication, media literacy, and Islamophobia.

Bárbara Castillo-Abdul, Rey Juan Carlos University

Doctoral student in the Interuniversity Program in Communication at the Universities of Seville, Malaga, Huelva, and Cadiz, and doctoral student in the Social and Legal Sciences Program at the Rey Juan Carlos University. Master in Communication and Audiovisual Education, Communication Research itinerary, by the International University of Andalusia and the University of Huelva (Spain) and Extraordinary Prize for the Master's Final Research work awarded by the University of Huelva. Postgraduate in Social Media Management from the Andrés Bello Catholic University (Venezuela). University specialist in Organizational Communication from the Monteávila University (Venezuela). Degree in Social Communication, mention in Corporate Communication from the Santa María University (Venezuela). Professor at ESERP Business School in Madrid and visiting professor at ESAI Business School, Universidad Espíritu Santoin Ecuador. In the field of research, she has one year of Pre-Doctoral In-Person Stay at the TEC of Monterrey and three months online. Member of the work team of the national competitive R&D project "Youtubers and Instagrammers: media competence in emerging prosumers" (RTI2018-093303-B-I00), funded by the State Research Agency of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities of Spain, as well as the project on Social Responsibility, Advertising Self-Regulation, and Health on the Radio (RESAPS) (CSO2017-82267-R) of the Rey Juan Carlos University.

Luis Miguel Romero-Rodríguez, Rey Juan Carlos University

Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences and Sociology at the Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid, Spain). Doctor in Communication from the universities of Huelva, Seville, Malaga, and Cadiz. Master in Social Communication from the University of Almería and Bachelor of Journalism from the Santa María University (Venezuela). Associate editor of Revsita Comunicarand Revista Anàlisi. Associate Researcher of the Ágora Group (PAI-HUM-648) of the University of Huelva and member of the Euro-American Interuniversity Network for Research in Media Competencies for Citizenship (Alfamed). His line of research focuses on the study of misinformation, populism, and social control, as well as on Media Literacy and the media competence of citizens.


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