Information professionals and fake news during the covid-19 pandemic
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Since the new virus causing the disease called COVID-19 made headlines in Spain in December 2019, the population has been demanding more information. Faced with this situation, a great deal of false information spread and journalism had to live with it, even slipping into the media's own agendas. We start from these hypotheses: H1) With the arrival of news about COVID-19, the number of fake news items in the television media increased, H2) Access to information sources changed with the use of video call platforms, not used until now in a professional way for this task. Therefore, this paper studies the role played by communication professionals in this pandemic and the possible causes of the increase in fake news. The methodology has focused on random sampling among professionals working in television in Andalusia during this period. The technique used was a questionnaire via Google Docs, mixing closed and open questions relating to the professionals' access to information sources, the time available to check data, the volume of unchecked publications, or their possible causes, among others. Within the conclusions, it is worth noting the increase in the broadcasting of false or unverified news, the variety of causes that have led to this phenomenon, and the positive influence of video calls on access to information sources.
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