Disinformation as a corporate risk: the need for a new methodological approach

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Magdalena Mut Camacho
Antonio Rueda Lozano


This research aims to determine the need for a crisis management model on reputational risks related to media misinformation. Companies recognize that they are facing a new corporate risk and the professional communication sector recognizes the urgency of having measures in the face of a hoax event. For this, the research carried out on Spanish companies on their perception of risk is taken as a starting point, where it was determined that for the professional the risks derived from misinformation are highly dangerous and the gap between the professional perception and the priorities of the organization. This qualitative report, with focus groups on a qualified sample of those responsible for the reputation and corporate communication of Spanish companies, reviews the trend of these crises and the system used in crisis management. The results corroborate the need to create a base methodology that collects the foundations on which disinformation acts. This fact is giving rise to new work dynamics and provides knowledge in the creation of efficient dynamics for the fight against misinformation. The conclusions propose a methodological scheme that can improve the work of communication professionals.


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How to Cite
Mut Camacho, Magdalena, and Antonio Rueda Lozano. 2021. “Disinformation as a corporate risk: the need for a new methodological approach”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 155 (September):113-29. https://doi.org/10.15178/va.2022.155.e1327.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Magdalena Mut Camacho, Jaume I University of Castellón

Doctor in Business and Institutional Communication from the Jaume I University and has a degree in Information Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is a professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and the Official Master's Degree in New Trends and Innovation Processes in Communication at the Jaume I University of Castellón. She has teaching and research activity in organization intangible management and corporate communication. Winner of the 1st Prat Gaballi Award from the College of Advertising and Public Relations of Catalonia. Member of the research group ENCOM - Engagement and Communication. She is a founding member of the Forum for Communication Knowledge and Research.

Antonio Rueda Lozano, OFNLab

Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the Jaume I University of Castellón and has a Master’s Degree in “Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce” from the EAE Business School and in “Creation of New International Companies” from the Jaume I University of Castellón. He participates in the research project for the COTEC Foundation for Innovation within the Open Innovation Program (PIA) 2017 entitled "Corporate Reputation in the post-truth era" and is one of the founders of OFN LAB, a think tank dedicated to the post-truth study and media manipulation specialized in corporate disinformation. Marketing and communication director in the business field, he gives conferences and talks on innovation, economics, and technology, being an expert in socioeconomic changes in the IV Industrial Revolution in different institutions and universities.


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