Key actors and training in the telemarketing sector. A case study applying the social networks analysis
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This article explains the organization of work in the telemarketing industry. The objective is to describe and analyze two detected vulnerabilities that affect efficiency and the achievement of value in companies in this sector. First, the formal communication structure based on the professional categories of the collective agreement will be described, placing the focus on the role of the key actors in the organization and their line of communication with the other actors. The vulnerability is the duplication of functions of the key actors. Second, the training process and working conditions of telemarketers will be analyzed. The vulnerability is the deficient training of workers that affects the quality of the service. The method used is the so-called social network analysis. The reticular data were taken with the participant observation and the UCINET computer program was used to elaborate the corresponding graph. The conclusion is that both vulnerabilities are closely related because they belong in an integral way to the organization of work, they affect the good daily functioning and the line of communication both internally of the members of the company and externally of the company with clients.
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