The application of neuromarketing to the field of tourism: a bibliographic review

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María Moral-Moral


The tourism sector is an economic activity with a remarkable weight in the world and national economy. Currently, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to the need to implement techniques and procedures that contribute to knowing the expectations of tourists and improving the experience of the tourist destination in order to increase their level of satisfaction. In this sense, the development of neuromarketing techniques applied to the tourism sector can contribute to improving the understanding of the emotional and cognitive processes of a tourist and that lead to a certain behavior related to the choice of a destination, level of satisfaction with a tourist experience, among others. This article conducts a review of the academic literature in order to identify the contribution of neuromarketing to the field of tourism. For this, a bibliographic search has been carried out in the main scientific databases (Wos, Scopus or Dialnet, among others). The results show the current state of knowledge in this area and the future lines of research to be developed. It should be noted that the link between neuromarketing and tourism is still incipient. It is a new field of research with little attention among researchers. Consequently, the development of broader empirical investigations that contribute to the implementation of neuromarketing techniques among tourism managers and managers is recommended.


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How to Cite
Moral-Moral, María. 2021. “The Application of Neuromarketing to the Field of Tourism: A Bibliographic Review”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 154 (May):429-42.
Nuevos Retos en Neuromarketing y Comunicación en el Ámbito Acad. y Empresarial
Author Biography

María Moral-Moral, Universidad de Cádiz

Profesora Ayudante Doctor del Área de Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados de la Universidad de Cádiz. Doctora en Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas por la Universidad de Cádiz. Licenciada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad de Jaén. Profesora en el Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Grado de Marketing e Investigación de Mercados, Máster en Dirección Turística, Máster en MBA y coordinadora del Módulo de Marketing emprendedor en el Máster de Creación de Empresas, Nuevos Negocios y Proyectos Innovadores (Masterup). Líneas de investigación centradas en el marketing turístico, nuevas modalidades turísticas e innovación docente.


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