Digital migration in the communication processes of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the media of social communication
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This study aims to understand the experiences and the produced impact by a blog developed in Music Appreciation matter. Participants were 20 students (among digital native adolescents, and adults) of the technical level as well as the professor, digital immigrant, whose teaching experience exceeds 30 years in an institution of higher education in Western Music in Jalisco, Mexico. As method, it was used the Action Research in the Classroom, in situ observations, focus groups, depth interviews, field diaries, and audio and video recordings. It’s concluded that the interaction mediated through the blog in the teaching of Music Appreciation is a motivational component whose design and implementation contributed to a better understanding of different musical styles and educommunicative interactions exceeded the traditional knowledge actions. Among the most relevant results of research are those related to the introduction of new methods and technologies in different modalities and learning environments, as well as the study of the synergies of the teaching-learning processes with the communication ones, mediated by the diverse Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and social communication media in the different institutions of higher education and educational centers dedicated to the teaching of music, belonging to both formal and non-formal education.Investigación-acción
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