Instagram as a device for the normalization of disobedient identity representations. A case study

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Lorena Arévalo Iglesias
Rut Martínez López de Castro


Social media is a very useful dissemination, construction, and meeting tool for social and collective movements, also in the feminist/queer sphere. However, some authors consider that their decisive role in the gender socialization processes of the new generations is not always positive, as it replicates, to a large extent, those gender stereotypes that limit and restrict free identity expression. Under this premise, the present work aims to describe and analyze the gender representations observable in Instagram photographies linked to four Galician university campuses (a total of 449 images), through a content analysis complemented by a univariate and bivariate descriptive analysis, with contingency tables, standardized residuals, and Pearson's Chi-square test. This analysis attends to objective criteria, linked to the perceptible realities of the represented bodies, and allows us to identify the strategies for the construction of online gender identities manifested by university youth in those four Galician campuses. This way, no “disobedient” gender identities have been found that operates as a laboratory for the exploration and search for new corporeities/identities, which is why we can observe a strong tendency towards normative representations. It is thus concluded that Instagram works as a legitimation tool for the binary, normative, and, therefore, hegemonic proposal.


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How to Cite
Arévalo Iglesias, Lorena, and Rut Martínez López de Castro. 2021. “Instagram As a Device for the Normalization of Disobedient Identity Representations. A Case Study”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 154 (June):47-62.
Monograph 4
Author Biographies

Lorena Arévalo Iglesias, CESUGA-San Jorge University

Ph.D. in Communication from UVigo, Master in Communication Research, and Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations. She teaches a degree in Advertising and Public Relations at the School of Communication and Social Sciences of CESUGA-San Jorge University and is a member of the research group on Sustainable Development at the same university. She is a specialist in semiotics and hermeneutics, her work is framed in the field of Visual Studies. Her main line of research focuses on the analysis of the dialectical, poetic, and rhetorical dimensions of the image.

Rut Martínez López de Castro, University of Vigo

Ph.D. in Art and Education from the UB. Artist, researcher, and art education teacher at the University of Vigo. Associate Professor of the Department of Special Didactics, Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences. Member of the Research Group on Education, Physical Activity, and Health (GIES10). Her professional career passes between two areas, the artistic and educational processes. Following this particularity, her curriculum is made up of the creation of artistic works, artistic awards, exhibitions, teaching in the formal and informal artistic sphere, publications, and research production.


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