Fight fake news. The professional profile of the information verifier in Spain

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María José Ufarte Ruiz
Luis Mauricio Calvo Rubio
Francisco José Murcia Verdú


The boom experienced by fake news in recent years has generated new professional profiles, such as fact checkers, who seek solutions to a problem that affects the credibility of the media. The objective of this study is to find out about this new professional profile, analyze the skills and abilities most in demand to perform these functions and reflect on whether this specialty represents a new professional outlet for the labor market. To achieve this purpose, the independent Spanish data verification projects, Newtral Media Audiovisual and Verificat are studied through different qualitative techniques, such as in-depth semi-structured interviews with their co-founders or managers and the analysis of web content and social media. It is a combination of techniques that has made it possible to draw conclusions and provide examples of interest to the research. The data show that there is a hybridization of profiles and a cross-section of knowledge, skills and attitudes around information verifiers in Spain, who have competencies on current technologies, visualization and database management.


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How to Cite
Ufarte Ruiz, María José, Luis Mauricio Calvo Rubio, and Francisco José Murcia Verdú. 2022. “Fight fake news. The professional profile of the information verifier in Spain”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 155 (January):265-95.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

María José Ufarte Ruiz, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Degree in Journalism (2005) and Ph.D. in Journalism (2011) from the Universidad de Sevilla. She is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Communication of the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. She has been a visiting professor at the Universidad de La Frontera (Chile) and the University of La Sapienza (Rome), she has participated in different national and international R+D+I projects, and has several academic research and teaching stays at centers of recognized prestige. Her lines of research include the evolution of journalistic genres, new narratives, and emerging technologies, as well as the figure of the journalist and their working conditions, fields that have focused some of her publications in high-impact scientific journals. In the professional field, she has worked as a writer for written press and communication agencies. 

Luis Mauricio Calvo Rubio, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Doctor by the UCLM. Graduated in Journalism and Master’s Degree in Communication, Culture, Society, and Politics. He has a Specialization in Social Media and Online Media and is an Executive Master in Business Management and Administration. He has developed his professional career as a journalist and media manager for more than two decades. Currently, he is a professor at the UCLM Faculty of Communication and researches journalism, communication, and citizen participation in the public sphere. Member of the GISOCOM research group and member of the national projects News, networks, and users in the hybrid media system and Public diplomacy in Ibero-American mega-cities: communication strategies and soft power to influence global environmental legislation.

Francisco José Murcia Verdú, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Degree in Journalism from the Universidad del País Vasco (2007), a Ph.D. student from the same university and associate professor at the Faculty of Communication at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, where he teaches in the area of ​​Writing. He has a Master's Degree in Innovation in Journalism from the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. He has made several national and international stays in prestigious centers, has several journalistic specialization courses, and is the author of different scientific articles published in high-impact journals. Among his lines of research are the influence of technologies on journalistic genres and the relationship between journalism and literature. In the professional field, he has worked as an editor in the written press for over fourteen years.    


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