Second Life: A Virtual Environment to Reduce Students’ Foreign Language Anxiety

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Gloria Sánchez Muñoz


Second language acquisition (SLA) is a complex construct in which not only cognitive factors play a crucial role, but also affective ones. In the last decades, the analysis of affective factors in second (L2) and foreign language (FL) learning has gained prominence. Research has shown a strong correlation between language learning and aspects such as personality, motivation, attitude, or anxiety, to name but a few (e.g., Gardner, 2020; Hewitt & Stephenson, 2011; MacIntyre & Gardner, 1989). The purpose of this paper is to examine whether Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) levels could be lessened using Virtual Worlds (VWs) such as Second Life (SL) for language teaching. This investigation compares the FLA levels of an Experimental Group (EG), which completed three activities through SL, with a Control Group (CG), which completed the same activities in the traditional classroom. Results indicate that the FLA levels of participants in the EG decreased as lessons went by in comparison with those participants in the CG. Moreover, findings suggest that the confidence of those participants working in SL increased as time went by. This boost in learners’ confidence could be attributed to the crucial role played by anonymity in VWs.


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Sánchez Muñoz, Gloria. 2021. “Second Life: A Virtual Environment to Reduce Students’ Foreign Language Anxiety”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 154 (July):1-24.
Comunicación y educación. Alfabetización y sociedad del conocimiento
Author Biography

Gloria Sánchez Muñoz, Universitat Jaume I

She has a degree in English Studies from Universitat Jaume I (Spain) with an Academic Achievement Award. She holds a MA in English Language Teaching in Multilingual Contexts and another MA in English Language Teaching in Secondary Education. Currently, she is an English teacher in secondary education in Spain and a linguistic advisor at the University Jaume I (Castellón). My main areas of research are affective variables in language learning, L2 writing, pragmatics and multilingualism.


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