Educating the homo digitalis: the role of education and digcomedu to palyate the effects of algorithms, fake news, polarization and lack of critical thinking

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Eva Teba Fernández


The classrooms of our educational organizations (primary schools, secondary schools, and universities) are inhabited by members of the so-called “Millennials”, “generation Z” and “generation Alpha”, generations made up of children, adolescents, and young people born in an augmented society where technology and social media are ubiquitous and where algorithms increasingly make decisions or skew their perceptions. The impact that hyper-connection and the embodiment of technologies have on their lives reaches varying degrees, depending on the generation to which they belong, but it can cause serious psychological and relational dysfunctions and ethical dilemmas. Furthermore, the generalization of technologies in the educational world is leading us, on the one hand, to new forms of power and control of society, but also new exclusion gaps. What role should education play in this scenario? Is the initial and ongoing training of teachers addressing these issues? The article reviews these issues and proposes a training scenario based on DigComEdu, the European Framework for Educators' Digital Competence.


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How to Cite
Teba Fernández, Eva. 2021. “Educating the Homo Digitalis: The Role of Education and Digcomedu to Palyate the Effects of Algorithms, Fake News, Polarization and Lack of Critical Thinking”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 154 (September):71-92.
Comunicación y educación. Alfabetización y sociedad del conocimiento
Author Biography

Eva Teba Fernández, Universidad Camilo José Cela

Doctor in Hispanic Literature from Yale University; Master of Arts & Master of Philosophy from Johns Hopkins University (USA). She is an expert in International Education and IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning from the Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid. She has 16 years of teaching and research experience in active methodologies, Quality management, and Human Resources in educational institutions, and in the impact produced by the transformation of spaces and learning scenarios. Currently, she is the director of the Specialization in cooperative learning and multiple intelligences, a professor at the Universidad Camilo José Cela in Madrid, and a researcher in the MEDEA team at that same university; She is co-founder, partner, and pedagogical director of Educando Consultoría and member of the Governing Board of the College of Doctors and Graduates of the Community of Madrid.


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