Influence of message appeal on attention. An eye-tracking study

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Diego Gómez-Carmona
Francisco Muñoz-Leiva
Alberto Paramio
César Serrano-Domínguez
Francisco Liébana-Cabanillas


This study analyses advertising effectiveness using an eye-tracking methodology. The research analyses differences in attention according to the type of message appeal (pleasant, neutral and unpleasant), assesses the moderating role of environmental concern and regulatory focus. The results show that negative textual stimuli receive the most attention, and that in participants with low environmental concern, low-elaboration stimuli are more attention-grabbing. In general, participants who are more concerned about the environment focus more quickly in terms of time and frequency on stimuli that require a higher degree of elaboration. The paper also presents recommendations for the development of renewable energy (RE) media campaigns using digital advertising.


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How to Cite
Gómez-Carmona, Diego, Francisco Muñoz-Leiva, Alberto Paramio, César Serrano-Domínguez, and Francisco Liébana-Cabanillas. 2022. “Influence of message appeal on attention. An eye-tracking study”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 155 (January):33-60.
Neuromarketing y análisis del comportamiento
Author Biographies

Diego Gómez-Carmona, Universidad de Cádiz

Ph.D. in Economic and Business Sciences from the Universidad de Granada. Interim Substitute Professor in the Department of Marketing and Communication, in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the Universidad de Cádiz. He is a research member of the University Research Institute for Sustainable Social Development and is part of the INDESS Research Commission. His main line of research is consumer neuroscience. His most recent works have appeared in journals indexed in JCR, such as Physiology & Behavior, Environmental Communication, or Foods, and have been presented at international conferences such as AEMARK or the Hispanic- Lusitanian Congress of Scientific Management.  

Francisco Muñoz-Leiva, Universidad de Granada

Professor of Marketing and Market Research and Ph.D. in Business Sciences from the Universidad de Granada (Spain). Although his main research interest is Internet consumer behavior and Internet acceptance, he has also published papers on other topics. His recent work has appeared in journals such as Tourism Management, International Journal of Advertising, Industrial Management & Data System, Soft Computing, Current Issues in Tourism, Expert Systems with Applications, Online Information Review, Information & Management, Computers in Human Behavior, International Journal of Information Management, The Service Industries Journal, Quality & Quantity, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, among others; as well as in national and international conferences (EMAC, AEMARK, Hispanic-Lusitanian Congress of Scientific Management, AEDEM, IADIS, Global Management,...). He has also acted as a scientific reviewer of papers presented at these conferences in the areas of marketing and tourism.

Alberto Paramio, Universidad de Cádiz

Professor at the Department of Psychology at the Universidad de Cádiz. He graduated in Psychology from the Universidad de Cádiz and completed the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Initiation to Research in Mental Health. Furthermore, he is an Expert in Statistics in Statistics Applied to Health Sciences by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia in collaboration with the Escuela Nacional de Sanidad and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and has worked as a Senior Researcher in the PAIDI MELES CTS1019 Group in support work for teaching, research methodology, and statistical analysis. Currently, he is pursuing his doctorate in Health Sciences at the Universidad de Cádiz. He is a member of the PAIDI INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONAL HUM843 Group and develops his research activity as an associate member of the Instituto Universitario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Social Sostenible (INDESS) and The International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE).

César Serrano-Domínguez, Universidad de Cádiz

Professor of Marketing and Communication and Ph.D. in Economic and Business Sciences from the Universidad de Sevilla (Spain). His main line of research is product marketing strategies in the digital medium. His recent works have been published in high-impact journals and he has participated in different national and international conferences. Furthermore, he has been the main researcher of several international projects such as: The study of the French olive oil market: quality criteria and strategies to follow for the penetration of Spanish olive oil.

Francisco Liébana-Cabanillas, Universidad de Granada

Professor of Marketing and Market Research and Ph.D. of Business Sciences from the Universidad de Granada (Spain). His main research interest is consumer behavior on the Internet and the acceptance of mobile payments. His recent work has appeared in journals such as Industrial Management & Data System, Expert Systems with Applications, International Journal of Information Management, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Computers in Human Behavior, The Service Industries Journal, Information Systems and e-Business Management, among other; as well as in national and international conferences (EMAC, AEMARK, Hispanic-Portuguese Congress of Scientific Management, AEDEM, IADIS, Global Management...). He has also acted as a scientific reviewer of papers presented at these conferences in the areas of marketing and information systems.


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