Digital competencies in older adults: from threat to opportunity

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Eva Bunbury Bustillo
Ricardo Pérez Calle
Sara Osuna-Acedo


Population aging is a social phenomenon present in most advanced countries, which means that governments, organizations, and societies face new challenges. Prolonging the autonomy, health, and quality of life of the elderly, while promoting active aging, is a priority in this regard. To achieve these objectives, the reduction of the digital divide, which is common among the elderly, is an urgent need. Through the presentation of two real projects, carried out in the city of Zaragoza, with the active collaboration between groups of older people, evidence is presented of the situation of digital vulnerability in which older people find themselves, as well as their predisposition and willingness to improve their skills in the use of new technologies. The analysis of the results obtained in both projects leads us to conclude that the potential offered by the regular use of ICTs for the elderly is enormous, with a long list of existing opportunities for the benefit of this group that should be taken into full consideration.


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How to Cite
Bunbury Bustillo, Eva, Ricardo Pérez Calle, and Sara Osuna-Acedo. 2022. “Digital competencies in older adults: from threat to opportunity”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 155 (January):173-95.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Eva Bunbury Bustillo, Universidad de Zaragoza

Degree in Philosophy and Literature (English Philology) from the Universidad de Zaragoza, Master's Degree in European Communities and the European Union from the Real Instituto de Estudios Europeos, and Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). She has been a consultant at Bunbury & Asociados for 10 years, a consultancy specialized in the management and achievement of European and international projects, and a communication coach. She has been combining her professional activity with teaching as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad de Zaragoza for 3 years. She is a member of the GICID research groups at this university, and of SMEMIU, at UNED. Her main lines of research are neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) in language learning and digitization in communication and teaching.

Ricardo Pérez Calle, Universidad de Zaragoza

Industrial Engineer from the Universidad de Zaragoza, Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Instituto de Empresa Business School, Executive MBA from the Universidad Europea. Responsible for Operations for 14 years in industrial companies, he is currently a business and European projects consultant. Since 2008, he combines his professional activity with teaching as an Associate Professor in the Department of Business Management and Organization at the Universidad de Zaragoza, being a member of the GICID research group, at this university, and of the SMEMIU research group, at UNED. His main lines of research are the quality of organizational management, the determinants of business performance, the optimization of processes, and the digitization of organizations.

Sara Osuna-Acedo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

Full professor of Education at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Chief Researcher of the Research Group on Social Media y Educación Mediática Inclusiva y Ubicua (SMEMIU). Vice-president of the UNED technological spin-off “ECO Digital Learning”. She has written more than one hundred publications, including books, chapters, and articles related to her lines of research: media education, digital skills, sMOOC, tMOOC, and uses and interactions in social networks.


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