From Occupation To Covid, Passing Through The M.E.N.A.S. Semipresential Dialogue As An Innovative Methodology Of Anthropological Learning

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María Isabel Ralero Rojas


The dialogical method as a mixed technique of anthropological research and learning can have a very promising development inside and outside the classroom. This implies assuming that the role of the students can be equated with that of the subjects who construct the social reality where our objects-subjects of study are located, and that from this role they can become important sources of reflexivity to delve into the analysis of relevant social facts. in the present moment. Introducing tools in classrooms that allow deconstructing certain realities based on the students' own discourses greatly facilitates their questioning, even more so if we take into account that these future professionals in the social field will carry out their work in complex societies where dialogue seems fundamental to reach a true understanding of this complexity. In the context of the current health crisis, in addition, virtual spaces and blendedness have brought new challenges but also new opportunities with which to enrich learning processes. With this work we will be able to see, through the students' own literality, how through a blended discussion group it is possible to construct key anthropological questions based on the group's own interests, reaching in a single session important transversal and specific curricular learning of the mattery. This can contribute to a better understanding of the teaching role as companions in this construction, so that it is possible to attend to the diversity of approaches and positions existing inside and outside the classroom.


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How to Cite
Ralero Rojas, María Isabel. 2022. “From Occupation To Covid, Passing Through The M.E.N.A.S. Semipresential Dialogue As An Innovative Methodology Of Anthropological Learning”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 155 (January):197-217.
Research Articles
Author Biography

María Isabel Ralero Rojas, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Ph.D. in Social Anthropology. She has a degree in Humanities from the UCLM and Social and Cultural Anthropology from the UCM. She teaches in the subjects of Anthropology in the Degree of Social Work and Methods and Techniques of Ethnographic Research in the Master’s Degree of Applied Anthropology of the UCLM (years 2019-present). University specialist in Immigration and Intercultural Mediation with training and research experience in diversity management at the local level, community intervention, collective construction of knowledge, and coordination of social intervention projects in high diversity neighborhoods that have involved the preparation of monographs and territorial shared diagnoses, gender transversal work, citizen participation, and collective identities. This last area has formed the main topic of her doctoral thesis.

Therefore, she combines university teaching and her research work with Community Social Intervention through Applied Anthropology to promote processes of social transformation.


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