An exploratory study on the impact of neuromarketing on virtual learning environments

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Luis Manuel Cerdá Suárez
Carmen Cristófol Rodriguez


Neuromarketing is an essential topic in the current technological world, and it has experienced explosive growth in the last years as a tool for communication. Nowadays, neuromarketing subjects have greatly improved when classroom teaching is supported by adequate laboratory courses and experiments, following the ‘learning by doing’ paradigm, which provides students with a deeper understanding of theoretical lessons. However, many postgraduate programs do not teach their students about the use and applications of neuromarketing. It is believed that developments in neuromarketing will likely change the traditional practices in the classroom. The objective of this paper is to propose a mix of consumer-based technologies to develop a neuromarketing project into a laboratory activity. These technologies can make neuromarketing more appealing to students by enhancing the attractiveness of business administration curricula. This neuromarketing exploration project has been evaluated successfully based on the results and responses to questionnaires: students and experts rated the neuromarketing laboratory activity highly. Students found the laboratory activity learning in the neuromarketing exploration project to be very good or excellent. Moreover, the students obtained good academic outcomes. Within the specific context of a virtual private university, this work was oriented to design a neuromarketing workshop to develop certain generic competencies for improving educational processes at universities. The findings of this research will be relevant in decisions of educational policy, but also on the pedagogical theory and practice in the scope of this study.


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How to Cite
Cerdá Suárez, Luis Manuel, and Carmen Cristófol Rodriguez. 2022. “An exploratory study on the impact of neuromarketing on virtual learning environments”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 155 (January):1-16.
Neuromarketing y análisis del comportamiento
Author Biographies

Luis Manuel Cerdá Suárez, Universidad Internacional De La Rioja

International University of La Rioja. Spain. His areas of work extend into disciplines of marketing, market research, business processes, leadership and business administration, information technology, and business management systems, in general. Furthermore, he has been a visiting professor in postdoctoral agreements with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and has given courses and conferences in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, the United States, Chile, and Portugal. He has also published book chapters, books, articles in journals, and presentations at national and international conferences, actively collaborating in various scientific committees. Likewise, he has several national and international awards in recognition of his research work, accredited with a Six-year Research Period by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity, of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).

Carmen Cristófol Rodriguez, Universidad Internacional De La Rioja

International University of La Rioja. Spain. Ph.D. in Communication and Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations (UMA). She participates as MR in Teaching Innovation Projects, as an evaluator in prestigious journals, and as a member of thesis and final master's thesis tribunals. She is section editor of the Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación, researcher in the groups COMPUBES (Comunicación y Públicos Específicos) and IICCXXI (Industrias Culturales Hoy), both from the Universidad de Alicante. She is a member of the AEIC (section 10) and AIRRPP. She is part of the Interuniversity Doctoral Program. She has teaching experience in public and private universities and virtual and classroom teaching. For 17 years she has combined her teaching and research work with her facet as a media professional. She has a six-year research period.


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