Advertising use of Instagram by Spanish models before the AEA and autocontrol code of conduct

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Jesús Segarra-Saavedra
Dalía Carratalá-Martínez
Alejandra Romero-Coves


Influence marketing has become an essential tool for companies in general and especially for those that work in the fashion area. This article investigates, through the exploratory analysis of content, the presence on social networks and the content of the posts published in Instagram by the twenty most influential Spanish male and female fashion models according to The advertising use and its engagement are studied. The results allow us to contrast the advertising strategy carried out by these influencers concerning the recent Spanish Association of advertising and Autocontrol code of conduct (2020). 


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How to Cite
Segarra-Saavedra, Jesús, Dalía Carratalá-Martínez, and Alejandra Romero-Coves. 2022. “Advertising use of Instagram by Spanish models before the AEA and autocontrol code of conduct”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 155 (January):1-25.
Instagram y Tik Tok. Redes sociales lúdico-gráficas
Author Biographies

Jesús Segarra-Saavedra, Universidad de Alicante

Professor of the Department of Communication and Social Psychology at the Universidad de Alicante. Postdoctoral researcher in the groups "Comunicación y públicos específicos" (COMPUBES) of the UA and “Comunicación y Sociedad Digital” (COYSODI)of UNIR.

Dalía Carratalá-Martínez, Universidad de Alicante

Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations at the Universidad de Alicante. Certified in the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing course from Google Activate. Currently, a clerk atthe Citeescompany.

Alejandra Romero-Coves, Universidad de Alicante

Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations at the Universidad de Alicante.Community Managerat Valentina (La Tienda de Valentina).


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