Blended learning: performance and assessment of ICT resources in higher education level
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The COVID pandemic forced higher education centers to adapt teaching conditions according to current regulations. The University of Valladolid settled a student presence on alternative weeks. The purpose of this work is to study the impact of the methodological innovation project applied in three subjects of the degree in Advertising and Public Relations during the 20/21 academic year. A survey was used to know the student’s opinion and the analysis of the academic performance of the students in comparison with the results of previous years in the same subject. The students confirmed the adequacy of the teaching resources and are satisfied with their adaptation to the demands of the situation. Academic performance has improved compared to the previous year; students have been more constant in their effort on the subjects and approve the implementation of most of the teaching resources used. Although the classroom attendance system does not reach high consensus approval by the students. These results highlight the need to continue researching about teaching methods in the university context in order to improve the quality of the higher education system.
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