The Importance of artificial intelligence in marketing process communications

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Freddy Zúñiga
Diego Alejandro Mora Poveda
Diego Patricio Molina Mora


These days it is no longer unusual to talk about marketing, and what is involved in its use within organizations, we know that it deals with every possible interaction between companies and people, and why not say it, marketing allows achieve organizational objectives by creating increasingly adaptable and intelligent experiences for customers, for this it is necessary to deploy three types of capabilities: creative, analytical and technological, in the use of these capabilities is where employment intervenes of artificial intelligence; the correct application of this, allows the optimization of resources and reduction of costs; but above all it has a transcendental impact for clients, since it makes it easier to anticipate their needs and offer solutions to them, even before they look for them through predictive analysis; or, using cookies, deep learning techniques and the use of chatbots, data can be obtained from various sources of information to create advertising content that is as personalized as possible. This article aims to carry out an exhaustive bibliographic review on this subject, based on information that has been published in scientific databases, which allows obtaining a reference framework on the importance of the use of artificial intelligence in marketing, which affirms that the use of AI in current marketing is vital for the evolution, adaptability and survival of organizations in this new world of digital transformation 4.0.


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How to Cite
Zúñiga, Freddy, Diego Alejandro Mora Poveda, and Diego Patricio Molina Mora. 2023. “The Importance of artificial intelligence in marketing process communications”. Vivat Academia. Journal of Communication 156 (June):19-39.
Media Literacy: Digital Skills in Communication
Author Biographies

Freddy Zúñiga, a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:39:"Instituto Tecnológico Superior España";}

Engineer in Marketing and Business Management. Master's degree in Family Business Administration. Entrepreneur, Business Owner, and Researcher at the Higher Technological University of Spain.

Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6081-9382

Diego Alejandro Mora Poveda, Universidad Técnica de Ambato

Engineer in Marketing and Business Management. Master's degree in Business Management based on quantitative methods. Registered Researcher by the National Secretariat for Higher Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation of Ecuador (SENESCYT). Author and co-author of multiple scientific articles.

Orcid ID:

Diego Patricio Molina Mora, Tecnológico Superior Universitario España

Professional dedicated to academic training and computer programming, whose contribution is developed under the perspectives of service and the common good. Their fourth-level degrees include a Master's degree in Computer Science Teaching, and a Higher Diploma in Information Architecture, and their third-level degrees include a Bachelor's degree in Systems and Informatics Engineering, a Bachelor's degree in Computer Systems, a Technologist degree in Computing and Informatics, and an Executive Systems Analyst Technician. They also have an expertise program in Virtual Education. They are a developer of various websites and software solutions, possessing extensive competencies in programming, innovation, adaptability, and systems management.

Orcid ID:


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